Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

IIoA and stating the obvious.

This post is just plain bad and looks like an evil testing the waters on whether he can make bad votes to wagon test and then just say ‘oh it’s just RVS ur scum for suspecting me.’

Don’t like this post especially. People don’t want to be called VI but he just seems to accept it.



Needless to say he was on the Memesky wagon.

I can’t tell if this post is a joke or not. If we take it as not a joke, this is so scummy coming from an experienced player. A reason to not make reads is the best thing a scum could want.


This one post here fits with his usual town AI of saying when he is doing something scummy.


Terrible Vote.

9 hours ago he said he was going to read people, still waiting on that and I doubt it will come because he is likely scum.

I think Insanity’s biggest scumtell is the shear amount of IIoA he posts in an effort to produce content. This was also evident in Siege on Xed. He also has not done any analysis what so ever this game when in AA he did a little analysis which led to us winning the game eventually (Because I wasn’t lynched).

All in all, there’s about an 80% chance of Insanity flipping scum here unless he’s super VI.

/vote Insanity

I claim Analyst.


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You guys leave me without option .-.

You had 1 vote on you, you had a lot of options

Or you could just, you know, explain your actions

Insta-claiming under pressure seems a possible wolf-tell as well. This was evident in Siege on Xed as well.

Well, I wasn’t really concentrating .-.

@Insanity where are your reads you promised 9 hours ago?

You need to provide some content fast or you’re getting lynched today.

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Well, I will try.

Firekitten what do you think about Insanity?

Who did you check and why?

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I analyzed his 1 and 2 slot.

It is Innovative and Energetic.

Leaning towards scum, there was no reason to claim there and the fact that he did it before as scum makes him even more scummy.

And you didn’t confirm Hippo/Icibalus’ miller claim when you could?

Also, most of Poke’s mods were evident.

Why would you out those mods tho.

Why out the energetic?


I am also wondering why I am so dumb.