Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

If one of your top scumreads just voted the guy you were CFDing to, what would you do?

I wouldn’t cast a meaningless vote like this, because Sam is really not going to be lynched with this activity and this time until EoD. Are you saying you prefer no lynch to lynching Captain?

@Marluxion may I remind you that pyronamiac literally converts Firekitten into an Arsonist on Day 4
we have absoloutely no reason not to vote him now from your perspective

No, I shall be spared till day 3 if he’s telling the truth.

the fact Marl isn’t voting firekitten makes me think they’re Executioner which means I’m going to have to reread marl after tommorow’s EoD

It was a shitty reaction test? Convince me to CFD unto Firekitten or vote Captain now please.

lynching someone who is gaurenteed to become wolf is still lynching a wolf

no it isn’t. I can still help while I’m town.

Also yeah this entire argument is pointless because he’s telling a investigative he was inept

has literally nobody read me Firekitten case?

Firekitten case in case you haven’t read it.

that was a bad reaction test and judging from the fact that you didn’t realize that you are likely scum

That Marl is exectioner? Why?

This also makes no sense if Marl is claiming Inspector, since vengeful is a non-bastard modifier.

marl i’m literally panicking because I’m busy af with homework and other FM games
could you cool it please

wow what an overreaction to me saying you’re acting scummy

Wait if marl is exe how am I wolfy again. You basically just debunked your theory.

You didn’t react to this Ici. I reacted to your post.

last i checked town ici doesn’t overreact like that
especially with 0 pressure on his wagon

note: icibalus is panicking from having to post an EoD in 7 mins which he is sorely unprepared to do

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We’re lynching captain today anyway to save Sarunai the effort of replacing the last slot

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Roughly 1 hour and 6 minutes until the EoD.