Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

Vote Counter

Accused Voters Number Of Votes
Captain Luxy, Solic, Overthebin, Marluxion, Firekitten, Icibalus 6/8
Sam17z Insanity, Margaret 4/8
Insanity Sam17z 1/8
GamerPoke PoisonedSquid 1/8

HTM is lynchproof, thus cannot be voted.

We need 2 more people to switch to Captain so we lynch somebody:


if any of you can hear my cry, drop your vote onto Captain please.

oh no I’m alone with only Marl along to sooth my aching soul this EoD
oh no

My vote is locked :confused:

Either Marg or Insanity’s vote will work

Could we change it to plurality or is that too much @Alice :thinking:

plurality in a game with people who can’t change votes, have to sheep other people and have to start wagons is kinda needed

but don’t change rules mid-game because that’s bastard modding

Isn’t this a bastard game though.

when I say bastard modding I mean it’s bad for game health
the mod should NEVER change important rules mid-game

bastard mechancis are only cool when they’re explicitly planned out beforehand

@Icibalus Basically what I was going to say.

@Kirefitten Not really, the bastard effects are named because of their chaotic nature. Since all mods and classes were predetermined at the start, then this isn’t exactly a bastard game.

This is correct. Hosts should NOT add or remove mechanics on a whim. While I do agree that I made lynching here a bit difficult due to the restrictions, it’s entirely possible to push a lynch as longs as you all don’t CFD in the last hour due to the voting restrictions.


Also, I may have underestimated this site’s penchant for last-minute CFDs.

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You really should look at the definition bastard game. :neutral_face:

this is why you always do an English Fire Drill tbh

Or a Chinese Fire Drill

Roughly 23 minutes until the EoD. Lynch here is purely done by majority, if no majority is reached by the EoD then there will be no lynches today.







Please vote Captain before time runs out.

…I shall say it again, Cant

Right, I guess we couldn’t all unvote in time…

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