Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

But… Mafia Miller is still a plausible roll.

A Mafia miller wouldn’t make much sense, but yes, you do have a point

Ok I got influential today

This reminds me of htm white knighting in a turbo game. The fact is that he thinks he can read meme which we told him is false muitple times but he still thinks he can


I’m 100% confident I that I can read meme

Every time… it’s correct

I’m 99% confident you are one of the mafia member .-.

Did you want my claim?


Okay then

I’m a sheriff

Who did you check and why?


I checked Sam N1 because I thought he was scum

He turned out to be NS

Then I forgot that this game even existed

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You were repeatedly pinged, so that’s just a flat out lie.

Sounds about right

/vote htm

But now that you’re here, you can try and direct my vote. Who do you think is scum?

(I uhhh sometimes mute threats)

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Pinged? I didn’t get that :thinking:

He’s lynchproof.


/keep vote on whoever I had it on