Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)


  1. Global Forum Rules apply.
  2. If you haven’t posted in 36 hours, you will be prodded for inactivity via a ping. Not responding to a prod will cause you to be replaced.
  3. Avoid discussing the game outside the thread while the game is still running.
  4. Avoid using larger font size. Nobody likes to confuse memeing with actual host stuff.
  5. Avoid deleting/edit messages unless it’s a recent one or to correct grammar mistakes.

Days will be 60 hours long, or shorter depending if a player is executed.
Nights will be 24 hours long.
Day and Night Actions are done by messaging me.
The Mafia and the Cult will talk through their own separate PMs.
When you receive a card you will have 24 hours to reply, confirming you have received it.
All class cards and modifiers that can be rolled will be shown.
All game mechanics will be put on the OP.

Classes and Modifiers
Each player will receive a class card detailing their night and/or day action. In addition, their class card will gain from one to three Modifiers that will passively influence how they interact with the game. Some modifiers help while others hinder, and others cannot roll in specific circumstances. The odds of a player receiving n number of Modifiers is:

1 Modifier = 30%
2 Modifiers = 50%
3 Modifiers = 20%

Additionally, only up to 20% of the players will receive a Bastard Modifier. Players will not be told they have Bastard Modifier and their effects are more dramatic than your normal Modifiers.

Mafioso Promotions
All Mafia-aligned players will begin as a Mafia class and the Mafioso class cannot be initially rolled. In between the start of the first day to the end of the first night the Mafia must decided which player should become a Mafioso, based on the usefulness of their classes and mods, and message me their decision. If the Mafioso dies, then they must again undergo this process in order to perform a nightkill. The Mafioso player’s mods will be the same as the ones from their previous class.

Each Neutral Killer will be allowed to choose one of the four backgrounds presented in the start of the match. They either give the user an additional day ability, a passive, or allows them an additional night action in the place of their ordinary kill, but they are not effected by the user’s modifiers. These backgrounds can be used to either further their goals or to meld in with the Town as a fake-claim.

Class Cards
Town Classes


1. Sheriff: Night Action - Informs you if your target is a member of the mafia or not. (Investigative)


“(Name) is not suspicious.”
“(Name) is a member of the Mafia!”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

2. Detective: Night Action - Informs you of your target’s class type. (Investigative)


“(Name) is a Killer-type role!”
“(Name) is an Offensive-type role!”
“(Name) is a Support-type role!”
“(Name) is an Offensive-type role!”
“(Name) is a Social-type role!”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

3. Analyst: Night Action - Informs you of two of your target’s mods. You select which slot to investigate. (Investigative)


“(Name) has no mods in your requested slots!”
“(Name) has the mod ___!”
“(Name) has the mods ___, ___!”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

4. Inspector: Night Action - Informs you of your target’s bastard mods. (Investigative)


"(Name) has no bastard mods!
“(Name) has the bastard mod ___!”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

5. Lookout: Night Action - Informs you who visited your target last night. (Investigative)


"(Name) was visited by ____!
"(Name) was visited by ____, and ____!
"(Name) was visited by ____, ____, and ____!
“(Name) was not visited by anyone.”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

6. Tracker: Night Action - Informs you of who your target visited last night. (Investigative)


"(Name) visited ____!
"(Name) visited ____ and ____!
"(Name) visited ____, ____, and ____!
“(Name) did not visit anyone.”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

7. Doctor: Night Action - Heals your target and cures any maladies afflicting them. (Support)


"(Name) was attacked and you have healed them back to health!
"(Name) was suffering from a malady, so you cured them from it!
“(Name) was in perfect health.”
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

8. Therapist: Night Action - Removes the Selfish, Slothful, Guiltless, Suicidal mods from your target. (Support)


"(Name)'s personal issues were cured!
“(Name) did not need any form of help.”
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

9. Promoter: Night Action - Gives your target the Influential mod for the next day. (Support)


"(Name) has gained political capital from your services!
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

10. Bodyguard: Night Action - If your target is attacked in the night, then you will die and kill their attacker. (Support)


"(Name) spent the night unharmed!
"Someone tried murdering (Name) at night, but you gave your life to save them!
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

11. Coach: Night Action - Gives your target the Focused mod for the night. (Support)


"(Name) was pumped up for the night!
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

12. Escort: Night Action - Roleblocks your target for the night. (Offensive)


"(Name) was successfully distracted for the night!
“Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!”

13. Motorist: Night Action - Redirects your target to another player. (Offensive)


"(Name A) was successfully redirected to (Name B)!
“Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!”

14. Auditor: Night Action - Gives your target the Thrifty mod for the rest of the game. (Offensive)


"(Name) had their inventory downsized!
“Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!”

15. Vigilante: Night Action - Kills your target at night. If you kill a town-aligned player, you will commit suicide the next night. (Killer)


"You shot and killed (Name) last night!
“Something prevented you from killing your target last night!”

16. Anesthesiologist: Day Action - Uses a Lethal Injection on a player in the day, killing them overnight. If you kill a town-aligned player, you will commit suicide the next night. (Killer)

No feedback as the Anesthesiologist lacks night abilities.

17. Medium: Passive - Allows the user to seance a dead player per night. (Social)

No feedback as the Medium lacks night abilities.

18. Mayor: Day Action - Reveals the user as the Mayor via the moderator. After revealing, you have an additional vote and this lasts even if you change classes. Unique. (Social)

No feedback as the Mayor lacks night abilities.

19. Journalist: Day Action - Select a player during the day and in the start of the night sends an anonymous message to a player during the night. The target will be able to send a message back to the journalist. (Social)

No feedback as the Journalist lacks night abilities.

20. Prosecutor: Day Action - Allows the day to have an additional execution. One use. (Social)

No feedback as the Prosecutor lacks night abilities.

Mafia Classes


1. Consigliere: Night Action - Informs you of your target’s exact class. (Investigative)


“You found that (Name) is a/an ____!”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

2. Stalker: Night Action - Informs you of who visited your target and who was visited by them. (Investigative)


“You saw that ____ visited your target and that your target visited ____ last night!”
“You saw that ____ visited your target but your target visited nobody last night!”
“You saw that nobody visited your target and that your target visited ____ last night!”
“You saw that nobody neither visited nor was visited by your target last night.”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

3. Informant: Night Action - Informs you of all of your target’s mods and their bastard mod, if they have any. (Investigative)


“(Name) has the mod ___ but has no bastard mods!”
“(Name) has the mod ___ along with the bastard mod ___!”
“(Name) has the mods ___ and ___ but has no bastard mods!”
“(Name) has the mods ___ and ___ along with the bastard mod ___!”
“(Name) has the mods ___, ___, and ___ but has no bastard mods!”
“(Name) has the mods ___, ___, and ___ along with the bastard mod ___!”
“You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!”

4. Lawyer: Night Action - Gives your target the Godfather mod for the night. (Support)


"The evidence for (Name)'s crimes has vanished for the night!
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

5. Malpractitioner: Night Action - Heals your target and cures any maladies afflicting them. Has a single-usage Lethal Injection that can be used during the day. (Support)


"(Name) was attacked and you have healed them back to health!
"(Name) was suffering from a malady, so you cured them from it!
“(Name) was in perfect health.”
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

6. Sycophant: Night Action - Gives your target the Influential mod for the next day or the Focused mod for the current night. (Support)


"Your raised (Name)'s ego for the next twenty-four hours!
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

7. Hypnotist: Night Action - Removes the Selfish, Slothful, Guiltless, Suicidal mods from your target. (Support)


"(Name)'s personal issues were cured!
“(Name) did not need any form of help.”
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

8. Consort: Night Action - Roleblocks your target for the night. Has a one-shot ability to roleblock all players attempting to visit your target in addition to the target itself. (Offensive)


"(Name) was successfully distracted for the night!
"Your performance distracted (Name) and anyone who tried visiting them last night!
“Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!”

9. Chauffeur: Night Action - Redirects your target to another player. Can target up to two different players. (Offensive)


"(Name A) was successfully redirected to (Name C)!
"(Name A) and (Name B) was successfully redirected to (Name C)!
"(Name A) was successfully redirected to (Name C), but not (Name B)!
“Something prevented you from thwarting your targets last night!”

10. Larcenist: Night Action - Gives your target the Thrifty mod for the rest of the game. (Offensive)


"(Name) had their inventory robbed dry!
“Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!”

11. Framer: Night Action - Gives your target the Miller mod for the current and next night. (Offensive)


"(Name) was framed for the current and next night!
“Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!”

12. Janitor: Night Action - If your target dies during the night, you will hide their logs and class the coming day. You will know both their class and have a copy of their logs. (Offensive)


“(Name), a/an ___, was succesfully cleaned and their logs were erased, albeit you secretly acquired a copy of them!”

(Name) the Sheriff
n1 - Person A - ns
n2 - Person B - ns
n3 - You -

“Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!”

13. Extorter: Night Action - Each night allows you to blackmail a target, preventing them from speaking during the day. The only message they will be allowed to send is “I am blackmailed.” (Offensive)


“You succesfully blackmailed (Name)!”
“Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!”

14. Mafioso: Night Action - Kills your target at night. (Killer)


"You shot and killed (Name) last night!
“Something prevented you from killing your target last night!”

15. Kleptocrat: Day Action - Reveals the user as the Mayor via the moderator. After revealing, you have an additional vote and this lasts even if you change classes. Cannot spawn if there is already a Mayor in-game. Unique. (Social)

No feedback as the Kleptocrat lacks night abilities.

16. Propagandist: Day Action - Select a player during the day and in the start of the night sends an anonymous message to a player during the night. The target will be able to send a message back to the user. (Social)

No feedback as the Propagandist lacks night abilities.

Neutral Classes


1. Amnesiac: Night Action - Selects a role from the graveyard and becomes it overnight. Has an innate night immunity until the third night. (Support)


"You remembered you were a/an ___ last night!
“Something prevented you from remembering who you were last night!”

Goal: Remember a class and fulfill its win condition.

2. Survivor: Night Action - Becomes immune to death for the night. Three uses. (Support)


"You used one of your bulletproof vests!
“Something prevented you from using a vest last night!”

Goal: Survive until the end of the game.

3. Guardian: Night Action - Heal one of your targets. Three uses. (Support)


"(Name) was attacked and you have healed them back to health!
"(Name) was suffering from a malady, so you cured them from it!
“(Name) was in perfect health.”
“Something prevented you from helping your target!”

Goal: You are given two targets. Make sure at least one survives until the end of the game. If both targets are lynched or killed at night then you will commit suicide the following night.

4. Jester: The Jester has no day nor night abilities. The Jester will kill their hammerer by guilt if they are lynched. (Social)

No feedback as the Jester lacks night abilities.

Goal: Trick the town into publicly lynching you.

5. Executioner: The Executioner has no day nor night abilities. (Social)

No feedback as the Executioner lacks night abilities.

Goal: You are given two Town-aligned targets. Trick the town into publicly lynching your target. If both targets are killed at night then you will commit suicide the following night. You will leave the town once your goal is completed.

6. Serial Killer: Night Action - Kills your target at night, if they are protected by a Bodyguard then you will not attack them. Has innate night immunity and your visits are hidden. (Killer)


Nightwatch: You will know who also visited your victim and who they visited.

Pickpocket: Allows you to give the Thrifty adjective to a player during the day and they will receive it during the next night.

Psychologist: Allows the user to remove the Selfish, Slothful, Guiltless, Suicidal mods from your target, and this will take effect at the end of the next night.

Biochemist: Gives you two charges of a lethal injection.


“You decide not to kill (Name) after seeing him being under guard!”
“You stabbed (Name) to death last night!”
“Something prevented you from killing your target last night!”

Goal: Exterminate both the Town and the Mafia.

7. Mass Murderer: Night Action - At every odd night, rampage at your target’s house, killing them and all of their visitors. Bypasses Bodyguards. Has innate night immunity. (Killer)


Casanova: Allows you to occupy players during even nights and gives the user the Focused modifier.

Motivator: Allows you to give either the Focused or Influential passives to a player for even nights.

Extrovert: Allows you to send messages to a player during even nights in the same manner as a Journalist.

Manipulator: Allows you to check a target’s Bastard modifier, and if they have one it informs you of which.


“You rampaged at (Name)'s house, killing n person/people!”
“Something prevented you from killing your target last night!”

Goal: Exterminate both the Town and the Mafia.

8. Arsonist: Night Action - Douses a player at night bypassing Bodyguards. You can also choose to ignite all doused players in the day to kill them overnight night. Has innate night immunity. (Killer)


Medical Training: You will also heal your target player the night they are doused.

Forensics Expert: You will also know your target’s class type the night they are doused.

Skilled Driver: Allows you the option to redirect your target to another player and prevents your douses from being prevented.

Paralegal: Allows the day to have an additional execution, but can only be used once.


“You doused (Name) in gasoline over the night!”
“You ignited all your doused targets over the night!”
“Something prevented you from dousing your target last night!”

Goal: Exterminate both the Town and the Mafia.

9. Head Cultist: Night Action - Every two nights you can convert a player to the Cult, where they become Cultists and retain their night/day abilities. If you try to convert a member of the Mafia or you already have two cultists then you will sacrifice your target instead of killing them. The Cultists share a day chat and if the Head Cultist dies then they cannot convert, but they can still kill. For kill mechanics the youngest Cultist is sent out to kill or convert and dead Cultists still count towards the maximum. (Killer)


Cardinal: Allows the user to Remove the Selfish, Slothful, Guiltless, Suicidal mods from your target during the day, and this will take effect at the end of the next night.

Saint: During the day, the user can pick up to two players to receive healing during the coming night.

Apostle: During the day, the user can send an anonymous message in the same manner as a Journalist.

Herald: Allows the user to listen to the dead.


“You have converted (Name) to the Cult over the night!”
“Your cult has sent out (Yougest Cultist) to murder (Name) over the night!”
“Something prevented you from sacrificing or converting your target last night.!”

Goal: Exterminate both the Town and the Mafia.



1. Selfish: You can only use your targeted actions on yourself.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone but Amnesiacs and Neutral Killers. The mod is removed if a player becomes a Mafioso.

Special interactions:
Guardian - You are also counted as a target for your win condition.
Executioner - You are also counted as a target for your win condition.

2. Loud: Your night actions will be announced to your target.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Serial Killers. Cannot exist with the Sneaky mod.

Special interactions:

3. Sneaky: You will have your night visits hidden from investigators.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. Cannot exist with the Loud mod.

Special interactions:

4. Compulsive: You must always use their night actions if you have one. Unless you’re prevented, you will commit suicide if you choose to idle.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Vigilantes and Anesthesiologists.

Special interactions:

5. Energetic: You are able to use your night actions on an additional primary target in a night.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. The mod is removed if a player becomes a Mafioso.

Special interactions:

6. Slothful: Your night actions have a one day cool-down period.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
Has no effect if the afflicted player already has a cool down, such as the Mass Murderer or Head Cultist.

7. Thrifty: You can only use their night actions three times in a game.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone but Neutral Killers.

Special interactions:
If gained via a Larcenist or Auditor and the target already had a limited-use night ability, it will reduce the uses to three if above and do nothing if they are already at three charges or lower. Their ability has no effect on Neutral Killers.

8. Reflexive: You will use your night action on all visitors.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
Bypasses cool-downs and does not cause guilt if a Reflexive Vigilante or Anesthesiologists kills a visiting Town-aligned player. Will replace the target’s name with “an Unknown Visitor” in the feedback for balance purposes. If a Reflexive Anesthesiologist is visited then they will use a Lethal Injection on the visitor at the start of the day. Reflexive Executioners and Guardians have their targets as the first person who visits them, but only Town-aligned visitors will count for the Executioner.

9. Guiltless: You cannot commit suicide.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. Cannot exist with the Traitorous mod.

Special interactions:
If you kill a town-aligned player as a Guiltless Vigilante or Guitless Anesthesiologist you will not receive any penalties. Guiltless players are also immune to the Jester guilt and Guiltless Executioners and Guardians who lose become Survivors with no vests.

10. Lover: You are given a lover, if either lover dies the other commits suicide.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. Cannot exist with the Traitorous mod.

Special interactions:
Town-aligned and Mafia-aligned players cannot be Lovers but a Neutral with a lover in either faction will have their lover’s wincon as their new wincon. Each lover will be told their lover’s class at the start of the game.

11. Traitorous: You win with the Mafia instead of your original win condition.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Mafia members. Cannot exist with the Guiltless or Lover mod.

Special interactions:
Players with the Traitorous mod count as not town-aligned for purposes relating Vigilante guilt and Mafia-aligned for purposes relating Cult conversion, but do not come up as Mafia to Sheriff checks unless they also have the Miller mod. The Traitorous mod is unique and cannot be rolled by more than one person in a match.

12. Vengeful: You will use your ability on your hammerer at day/night when lynched.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Neutral players. The mod is removed if a player becomes a Mafioso.

Special interactions:
Vengeful Investigative classes will announce the first accuser’s results or last night visits when lynched. Vengeful Support and Offensive classes will use their ability on the first accuser the coming night when they are lynched. Vengeful Killer classes will either day kill or use a Lethal Injection on their accusers when they are lynched. Vengeful Social classes will have no effect when they are lynched.

13. Consistent: Your standard mods cannot be changed.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
Consistent players cannot have their mods removed or have new mods added, so they are immune to the effects of Therapists, Promoters, Coaches, Lawyers, Sycophants, Framers, and the like.

14. Adored: You requires L+1 votes to be lynched.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. Cannot exist with the Hated mod.

Special interactions:

15. Hated: You requires L-1 votes to be lynched.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. Cannot exist with the Adored mod.

Special interactions:

16. Influential: You gain an additional vote during the voting phase.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
Players with the Influential mod do not gain a third vote if a Sycophant or Promoter uses their night ability on them, as they already have the mod itself by nature.

17. Focused: Any attempts to redirect or roleblock you have no effect.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
Same effect as if a Sycophant or a Coach used their night ability on you. If an Escort, Motorist, Consort, or Chauffeur attempted to roleblock or redirect a player with the Focused mod then they will receive the “Something prevented you from thwarting your target last night!” message as feedback.

18. Enigmatic: Any attempts to investigate you will fail.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
Any attempt by an Investigative class to check on an Enigmatic player will show the “You couldn’t thoroughly investigate your target!” message as feedback.

19. Vulnerable: All supportive abilities will fail on you.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
Any attempt by a Support class to aid a Vulnerable player will show the “Something prevented you from helping your target!” message as feedback.

20. Ascetic: Any attempts to visit you on even-numbered nights have no effect.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
Players attempting to visit an Ascetic player on an even-numbered night will receive the feedback as if they were roleblocked.

21. Bulletproof: You cannot be nightkilled for the first three nights.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:

22. Healthy: You cannot die from lethal injections, diseases, or radioactivity.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:

23. Atheist: You cannot be converted to the Cult nor killed by them.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:

24. Lynchproof: You cannot be lynched for the first four days.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:

25. Miller: You will be seen as a member of the Mafia to Sheriffs and as a Killer class to Detectives.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:

26. Godfather: You will be seen as not suspicious to Sheriffs despite being a member of the Mafia.

Can be rolled by:
Only Mafia members.

Special interactions:

27. Powerless: Your night and day actions are locked.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone but Neutral Killers. The mod is removed if a player becomes a Mafioso.

Special interactions:
The Powerless mod essentially makes you a Citizen.

28. Innocent: Announces your innocence at the start of the game.

Can be rolled by:
Only Town members.

Special interactions:
Innocent players are killed if the Head Cultist tries to convert them. The Innocent mod is unique and cannot be rolled by more than one person in a match.

29. Decisive: Cannot switch their vote for the remainder of the day if they have already casted it.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. Cannot exist with the Sheepish or Innovative mods.

Special interactions:

30. Innovative: Can only vote for a player that has no votes on them yet.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. Cannot exist with the Sheepish or Decisive mods.

Special interactions:

31. Sheepish: Can only vote for a player that has already been voted.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone. Cannot exist with the Innovative or Decisive mods.

Special interactions:

Bastard Modifiers


1. Suicidal: You will commit suicide on the fourth night.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Neutrals.

Special interactions:

2. Reverse: You will have the effect of your night actions reversed on their target.

Can be rolled by:
Only Town members.

Special interactions:
Has one depending on your role:
Reverse Sheriff - You will see not suspicious players seen as members of the Mafia and vice-versa.
Reverse Detective - You will see players as one of the other class types aside from their real one.
Reverse Analyst - Your checks will give back two random mods that they don’t have.
Reverse Inspector - Your checks will give back a random b-mod if they don’t have one, and none if they have one.
Reverse Tracker - You will see the players that visited your target instead of your target’s vists.
Reverse Lookout - You will see the players that your target visited instead of the ones that visited them
Reverse Doctor - You will silently give your target a Lethal Injection.
Reverse Therapist - You will give one of the Selfish, Slothful, Guiltless, or Suicidal mods to your target.
Reverse Promoter - You will prevent your target from voting tomorrow.
Reverse Bodyguard - You will kill your target along with yourself.
Reverse Coach - You will roleblock your target.
Reverse Escort - You will give the Focused mod to your target.
Reverse Motorist - Your second target will visit the first one instead of the other way around.
Reverse Auditor - You will give your target the Energetic mod.
Reverse Vigilante - You will give your target the Bulletproof mod for the night, works even if it’s past the third night.
Reverse Anesthesiologist - You will give your target the Immune mod for the rest of the match and heal them this coming night.
Reverse Medium - Commits suicide in the first night but can still speak with the living.
Reverse Mayor - When revealing does not gain the extra vote, but gets the Condemned bmod instead.
Reverse Journalist - Will blackmail their target for the next day.
Reverse Prosecutor - Cancels all trials for the day and starts the night phase.

3. Diseased: Any player you visit will die in the night after the next.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
The death can be prevented if the player is visited by a Doctor during or after being visited by a Diseased player.

4. Irradiated: Any player that visits you will die in the night after the next.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
The death can be prevented if the player is visited by a Doctor during or after visiting an Irradiated player.

5. Unfortunate: Any night action has a 35% chance of failing.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Neutrals.

Special interactions:
If it fails, the user will receive the same message as if they were roleblocked.

6. Inept: All your night actions will fail, but you will believe they succeeded.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Detectives, Consiglieres, and Neutrals. The mod is removed if a player becomes a Mafioso.

Special interactions:

7. Unaware: You will see only your first standard mod.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone with more than one standard mod.

Special interactions:
Any standard mods other than the first will be hidden from the user.

8. Volatile: You will have a hidden standard mod that will alternate after the start of every day.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
The alternating mod needs to be compatible with your class and other mods.

9. Biased: You will flip as a Mafioso when killed or lynched.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Jesters. Cannot exist with the Vengeful mod.

Special interactions:

10. Foolish: You will flip as a Jester if lynched but nobody will die of guilt.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Jesters. Cannot exist with the Vengeful mod.

Special interactions:

11. Psychopathic: In the beginning of the fourth day, you will become a Serial Killer.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Neutral Killers and Mafia Members.

Special interactions:

12. Pyromaniac: In the beginning of the fourth day, you will become an Arsonist.

Can be rolled by:
Everyone except Neutral Killers and Mafia Members.

Special interactions:

13. Condemned: You secretly only need L/2 votes to lynch you.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:
A special message appears if a Condemned player is lynched.

14. Vandalized: When you die, your journal will be replaced by nonsense.

Can be rolled by:

Special interactions:

To accuse someone say “/accuse [player]” or “/vote [player]
Once majority is reached, the player will be automatically lynched and the game will go to its Twilight phase.
Executions end the Day unless a Prosecutor used their day ability.
The VC will be modified to show if a player is Hated or Loved and it will show revealed Mayors and Kleptocrats, but will not inform if a player has the Influential modifier or has the Condemned Bastard Mod.

Kill Flavors

(Name) was found dead last night, a close examination has shown that their body was riddled with bullet holes and stab wounds! - (Killed by a Mafioso, a Vigilante, a Serial Killer, or a Mass Murderer.)

(Name) was found dead last night, according to the coroner they violently passed away in their sleep from some sort of lethal toxin or pathogen! - (Death by lethal injection, disease, or radiation.)

(Name) was found dead last night, and they had severe third-degree burns all over their body and it was only through sheer luck we could have identified them! - (Incinerated by an Arsonist.)

(Name) was found dead last night, it seems they were sacrificed to some sort of ancient eldritch abomination in a horrifying ritual! - (Death by the Cult.)

(Name) was found dead last night, their corpse was found hanging in their own closet with a disturbing note written nearby! - (Suicide from Jester lynch, a Compulsive mod, a Suicidal bmod, or killing a townie as a Vigilante or Anesthesiologist.)

In the beginning of the first day the host will inform the number of Bastard Mods in play and will also announce all players that have the Innocent mod, and then will list the players with the Lynchproof mod as they will be un-votable until the fourth day.

After The Night
You will be told what happened to you. In addition, each class has their own specific feedback. In general the feedback is minimized and being roleblocked will give the same feedback as if your ability failed. Whenever the word malady is used, it means either the lethal injection, or the delayed deaths from the bmod Diseased and Irradiated.

You slept peacfully.
You were visited by (Name). You noticed this as they are a particular loud individual.
Someone redirected you!
Someone gave you the Thirfty adjective!
Someone wishes to speak with you for the night.
You were converted to the Cult!
Your mind is clearer and you are not Selfish/Guiltless/Slothful anymore!
You were murdered while you were asleep!
You sadly passed away from a fatal malady that you acquired in the past!
You died from third-degree burns as your home burned to cinders!
You couldn’t bear it any longer and you took your own life!
You were sacrificed by the Cult to an eldritch abomination!
You were injected with a lethal injection. You will die tonight if you are not healed.

Message me your entire journal, the last draft I receive before you receive your death message shall be the one displayed.

To Join
To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in”, or whatever you want. Currently the game is the pre-sign up stage and will begin when its ready.

-To be adjusted depending on the number of players.
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town / Random Neutral
Random Neutral
Random Neutral Killer
Random Mafia
Random Mafia
Random Mafia
Random Mafia


  1. Firekitten
  2. Overthebin
  3. HTM Lynched D5 - The Lynchproof and Sneaky Larcenist
  4. Nerbins Killed D1 - The Ascetic, Influential, and Hated Medium
  5. Margaret
  6. Insanity Killed N6 The Loud and Influential Analyst
  7. PoisonedSquid - Lynched D3 - The Decisive, Adored, and Enigmatic Executioner
  8. Marluxion Killed N2 - The Lover and Bulletproof Anesthesiologist
  9. Captain Lynched D2 - The Vengeful Stalker
  10. Icibalus
  11. Solic Lynched D4 - The Sheepish and Ascetic Arsonist
  12. Sam17z Lynched D6 The Bulletproof and Miller Guardian
  13. Luxy Killed N4 - The Reflexive Journalist
  14. Gamerpoke
  15. Memesky Lynched D1 - The Vengeful Vigilante
  16. PokemonKidRyan Killed N2 - The Lover and Slothful Motorist

Day Start/End
Day 1 Begins
Night 1 Begins
Day 2 Begins
Night 2 Begins
Day 3 Begins
Night 3 Begins


I’ll read later


This is… This is… madness

Well, I will prevent roles like Selfish Compulsive Vigilantes from rolling, so it can’t be THAT bad, right?


Is reading the OP important btw



Huh. I wonder why a certain game I won’t speak of failed. Telling you now everyone will hate you for this if a non mafia knows all the mafia.

So, we have a host specializes with bastard games.
Good shit. lel

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Sounds fun and like something I can low-effort through if it starts immediately :stuck_out_tongue:



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Can’t be bastard if I upfront said what bastard effects may appear :^)

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You do know it’s also unwinnable for mafia if a non mafia knows all the mafia.

Don’t even try to fool me. We know there would be bastard mechanics 100%, even if you said they “may” be in this game.



Wait it’s bastard… runs away


Well, I did change the Pyromaniac and Psychopathic effects to not roll on Mafia members. Still trying to work out this mode to prevent too much BS from happening even with the bastard effects.


Okay, it’s time to deploy my special unit to monitoring the course of entertainment.

I feel bad for the survivor who all night actions fail or does the opposite of what it says it does.

Survivors can’t roll Reverse, Unfortunate, or Inept mods. I prevented neutrals from rolling most bastard mods as since they’re alone they practically instantly lose if they end up rolling one of the more bastard-y bmods.

I’m trying to make this game-mode fun and at least somewhat balanced despite the compounding role madness and bastard-ish effects.

