Airlock Informed chat

it’s probably the best way to alert town that they have to pursue ship attacks to have a chance

Oh yeah, gorta is going backwards again (distance will be 5 tomorrow)
atm town is much more at risk of losing from being wiped out by mislynches and conversions than from the secret destination.

This has to be the swingiest setup ever designed by man

it was clearly designed by the pet


First ship attack timer tomorrow will 14 hours.

If ship gets attacked, I will kill Magnus.
magnus has currently yet to submit an action.
If he does not do so before EoW, he will default to no-action.

killing kyo tomorrow w/ ship attack would be dumb as magnus could just bring the biologist back (again).

also there should be mech evidence against kyo now, while there can’t possibly be any against magnus atm.

The fastest way the game could become unwinnable for the ship is if the game just gets mech-locked due to evils having too many deadvotes.

This is already kind of the case, but I am trying to gimmick things tomorrow by having a very fast first attack.

Basically, if the ship does not get attacked tomorrow, the game is over.
If the ship doesn’t get attacked but kyo gets jettisoned, ship still has a small chance? but p unlikely, as kyo will convert tomorrow and magnus will just revive the biologist who will then get another convert the next day.

god this game is so absurd

This game is very meme-tier

any game with pet must be


Watching italy just fucking snap was beautiful

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he is right
everyone can just twist what he’s trying to say with his PR

I believe that is the true meaning of pet

it’s a strong role with a restriction, sure.

But it’s not that the restriction makes it difficult to communicate your information

it’s that if one does not have extreme willpower, they will completely snap when being forced to follow it

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This role probably will have pissed italy off more than Lying Darkness, Templar, ModeShifter, and Diviner, combined.

why’d you bring Seth into this



italy is right though
the pet is the most mechanically powerful role in the game, even more so than the predator.

The pet is the only role that cannot die as a result of the ship being attacked. Lmao.

Imagine being the predator and just being decimated by a cat
no wonder the ship’s computer freaks out so intensely when the pet breaks pr.


with great power, comes great PR.

it’s only fair though

cats are superior to aliens