Airlock Informed chat

need me to unlock thread?

No, imma make a new thread for the game.

Italy says ā€œfuckā€.


tell him he canā€™t speak

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why do i feel like italy is going to have more fun in a game he literally cant talk in than in a wolf game

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Itā€™s actually going to be both
Appy plans to convert Italy b/c of the petā€™s high level of offensive power.

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Also let me know if anyone here wants to be added to any whisper chats. You may pick and choose, if you like.

i didnt even know there was conversion

poor italy

finally rolls town

cannot speak

gets converted LMAO

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The queen gets one guaranteed conversion
Can get more if thereā€™s ever a no cuddle.

oB has just realized that his role is rly good here since there are free neighbor whispers lol
Heā€™s informed if he ever has at least one neighbor that registers as Alien.

is light RTing his neighbors by claiming a redcheck on his greenchecks

Sympathizer is a godfather to all cops
If a starting alien role is swapped into a ship-aligned role by the transporter chief, they are a godfather to all cops
Infected people are godfathers to all cops except biologist
Ship-aligned ppl swapped to alien roles by transporter chief are millers to everything.

He might think he has a GF as iā€™ve been trying to subtly trick him into not using his passive to cheese the game with free neighbor whispers
But he doesnā€™t

I am here only to watch italy suffer

also appel destroying light in chess is gamer

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light is a dummy




Please let me know if any of you ever want to be added to any classcards or whisper conversations.
Currently, there are lots of neighbor convos open but there are yet to be any non-neighbor convos, I think.

You can pick and choose which PMā€™s to spectate, if youā€™d like.

are the italy ones amusing

Italyā€™s classcard is immensely amusing. Heā€™s yet to open any neighbor whispers, though.

neither of those statements are very surprising actually

italy classcards id imagine are always fun

do you want to be added to italyā€™s classcard?