Airlock Informed chat

eh not really

but send him this for me

sent for ya

Italy: “am i allowed to murder spectators”


Italy is now locked out of using all the emojis that light posted in his cipher since he interacted with it

more images i guess. he’s lucky to still be alive

Mole just got redchecked by Zone

I tried my best, but this setup might be unsalvageably townsided. Lol
It felt that way at DeceptaCon as well.

5 peeks D1?

This setup is infested with cops
Yes there were 5 D1 peeks

putting pet and hybrid in the same game was not a great idea.


Biologist is the only role with day peek as a targeting mid-day ability, so I think Appy will pick this up, convert Zone, and then evil team will just get bloated lol

I included every possible cop except for Engineer
That was stupid

Hello gamers.

Soulread is dead.

Probably because I only bothered to read like two posts but still.

Lmao what even is this post?

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

Is scum completely screwed?

Appy and Zone swapped roles
Then appy converted zone

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Not necessarily

Magnus was hacked so eevee got to do what he liked for him

Day Ability 2 : Choose a player. Infect them, making them alien-aligned and giving them the :radioactive: passive.

Is it even possible to lose with this ability.