Airlock Informed chat

gg woofs


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if anyone has any issues with this chat being publicized, please let me know
the game is likely ending in between 2 and 6 hours, and i will publicize if no one says anything (i dont really see anything in here that needs to stay private, tbh)

I have no issues ayaya

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arete is a nerd

i now have an issue with publicizing this

this is a joke


@Arete pls publicize this.

I was personally proud of when I made a wallpost quoting Geralt saying ā€œagendaā€ x5

to be fair a game where you get to play as the most mechanically powerful class to ever exist and donā€™t even need to socially interact because youā€™re the person who speaks in pictures is pretty fun

i have the willpower
i only broke the PR to mechconfirm myself thanks to wazzaā€™s fuckery


Inb4 scum won.

Tell me how the heck I was supposed to know that Magnus was the Transporter Chief who got screwed over by Wazza the Technician, given my limited amount of information at SoD2.

I was, but this only counts for Parasites and the Informant, to be precise.

Ha. Ha. Ha. Even if both Kyo and me were determined, in the end it was Richard and Light that saved us by warping.

ā€¦surely this wonā€™t pass the review?

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this only applies at the secret destination.
for the ship to win early before reaching the secret destination, both all alien roles and all alien-aligned players need to be dead.

Then justā€¦ donā€™t end the game early?

Itā€™s the other win condition
if itā€™s satisfied, the game ends
itā€™s not up to the host

thatā€™s why itā€™s pretty uncommon for the game to actually progress to the secret destination.

all of this is in the OP of the game.

also, italy was right

you would not have been able to no-action on Warp 2
you would have had to infect someone.

I know, but youā€™re responding to me as if I donā€™t know these facts, and I am the type of person who always responds to replies, soā€¦ where exactly are you going with this?


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Not that it matters anyways, since I donā€™t look to IF-worlds. If they donā€™t happen, then they donā€™t interest me.

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imagine being queen and getting memed out of your one shot ability because somebody was airlocked