The Alchemist
Neutral Special
Coagulate (Passive) - Immune to nightshade and bleeding.
Blood Lust (Passive) - On a successful kill provides another use of Stoneskin. Start the game having used 1 Stoneskin before hand. You Will be death immune n1.
Stoneskin (Day) - Drink a potion that makes you death immune tonight. - 0 uses
Psychedelic drug (Day) - Tonight, make a player believe they were attacked but healed if not statused, and if they were, they will appear as if they were healed from it, they were still die though if not healed by another source. - 2 uses
Emerald Potion (Night) - Attack a player - 3 uses
Truth Potion (Night) - Learn a player’s class - 2 uses
Survive to see the BD fall