Alchemist Neutral Special
Coagulate (Passive) - Immune to bleeding.
Stone Skin(Day) - Make yourself immune to attacks - 3 Uses.
Poison Tar(Day) - Poison someone killing them at night, you cannot heal them but others can - 2 Uses.
Crimson Potion(Night) - Heal Someone curing them of bleeding and saving them from attacks - Infinite Uses.
Narcotic Potion(Night) - Make someone appear Suspicious under investigation - Infinite Uses.
Makes alchemist have primary abilities that are more evil but can save lifes and be good it lets players play alchemist in a more deceptive way, lets bd be less accepting of D1 alchs but the alchs could offer help to bd as they still have heal and a option to kill “evil” players.
Alchemist framing players is more of a self gain because it helps alch instead of bd while healing helps bd and doesn’t help alchemist, so it gives alchs a choice on which side they want to help.
While Bombing is generally more evil sided it can be used to bomb evils and is only limited (For a good reason).