Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

Scooby Doo was pretty fun

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Are you removing voting mm as a easy to block the mistrial lose condition?

Can people vote dead players - even if they died 92 chapters ago

If bunching up has to be discouraged, have only good roles suffer harsh negative modifiers/penalties for doing so? Like have a infectious plague turn up that requires medicine or a mental health penalty for not having alone time requiring them to kill within x hours if if triggers. Just spitballing things.

I pretty much like all the features except the future foundation one. This mode has enough interesting things in it that that is not necessary and having a strong role like that is swingy depending on who rolls it.

i assume the traitors are also there so the mastermind has a way to deal with the agent?
unless you’re allowing MM to become the blackened

Is the Future Foundation Agent’s wincon the same as the rest of the participants

If not is it known

something something Chiaki Nanami is Very Good

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There’s the failed trial counter that exists, so people are strongly discouraged from getting executions wrong.

I’m never adding a super-private inventory again, tbh. Marshal hiding the poison basically made the case nigh-unsolvable.

It’s a template, so it’s not like the MM will be able to make it impossible.

Yeah, I’m probably going to have to balance this out somehow. I’m basically trying to find a way to prevent WCs from open-claiming. It should be obvious that people won’t open-claim as Traitor or MM, but the WC aspect is still there.

idea: if you die in the game you die in real life

real idea: don’t make a “public” room like cafeteria that everyone can see

instant alibi done

possible cameras or something for some room but that kinda made cafeteria camping super valid

The MM is not allowed to become the blackened.
Read the bit on the Mastermind ^^

Yep, voting the MM only stop mistrails on the first part as they will be swapped and put into a stealth mode.

No, only if they died the same chapter.

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Or if there is a public room, there needs to be a time limit on being in it at any time before being ejected from it. A reasonable amount of time to eat, drink and plot something if you were to poison stuff should it be the cafeteria again.

mastermind should be more informed
they set everything up, after all



Yep, “Eliminate the Agent and get away with it.” will probably be in the template for traitor wincons I’m making.

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Yeah, I’m doing that.

This basically means that people can just pull a gorta and be insta-cleared by doing absolutely nothing. The main thread will just be for announcements and shit.


This will be in part with the MM buffs.

also just a miscs thing in general

make a specific requirement for activity and enforce it

so you don’t have people signing up and doing nothing, or getting force replaced after doing nothing and being mad


nobody should be able to be cleared for “they are barely paying attention to game, no way did they do such an elaborate kill”


How exactly do you plan to do the underlined part?

How do we know how much 1 MP can do?

The example gives the player the feedback of “searching multiple boxes” but what if someobe is uninformed and spams “search box [insert number]” while thinking that they have to search the boxes separately?

How… are we supposed to know whether a Victim is the Mastermind or not?

Speaking of rooms, will the dorms stay the same? One square in the map while actually having multiple rooms?

probably through their rolecard

I’m probably just blacklisting gorta from this game, tbh.

He literally did nothing during the game except for moving between the W. Commons and Caferia this match while everyone else like even low-activity players like CRich, Vul, or Uni at least did something like participate in trials or investigate during the deadly life phase.

I wanted to give him another chance as I have being that person, but after his play in VLDR2 I just don’t think I’ll accept his /ins in DR anymore as his slot doesn’t impact the game in any way whatsoever.