Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism


I’ll pre in I guess

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this is when me and italy try and kill each other repeatedly

someone get Ans

It filled lol.


oh we full in ideas thread lmaoo


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Pre backup time

TBE literally 20 seconds too late I cry

i dont know when game will start (or when school does for that matter) so i sub

Alice is the game already finished?

  1. oh nvm then
  2. probably leading the crowd somewhere other than canteen.

Other than that, I don’t blame you that much for the lack of freedom on motives

Yeah, will run once the queue is done.

(i kinda pre ined earlier but you missed it so now im kinda sad but its fine)

You can take my slot and I’ll co host?

Holy frick how did you make it so fast


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Sure, I’ll invite you to spec/hosting chat.

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This works


Do you confirm that you wish to get into spec chat? There’s spoilers there so once you’re in you may not join or sub.

Sure. Idm sitting out of this

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