Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

It seems extremely something

Spoiler for SDRA 2 Chapter 3.

As someone of culture… Some Super Danganronpa Another 2 Twin Action heck yes

Uhhh, may I /pre-in for the next game?

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Ya know me too

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Sure, so I have Insanity/Wazza/PKR as pre-ins.

With system of executing loosers regardless
Doesn’t this make the game’s playercount dwindle obscenely fast

I haven’t mathed

game probably fills fast

16 pre ins possible

i’ll probably sub because I expect people to be super hype for this game

and I am, like, moderately hype for this game

Tbh, if the participants keep failing trials non-stop then there won’t be a lategame.

16 > 13 misexe
13 > 10 double murder and correct
You can get to 6 by end of third trial

Double kills exist
Which is for the most part implausible but

I think this is interesting but it needs to be balanced especially since it’s not too likely for people to know what everyone’s ultimate talent is

I don’t think there will even be a double murder as the method is way too convulted.

Plus I’m adding a failsafe to prevent double victim/double Blackened murders after a threshold to prevent stuff like too many people dying too soon.

Not all Ultimate Actions will pertain to killing.

Is /pre-in a thing here?

Yes, it will.

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Geyde, wanna pre-in? OwO

Oh god oh fuc-

may i pre-in?

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16 pre ins

it’s happening

16 pre-ins

sacrifice for the bean god