Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

this is why I don’t allow pre-ins

because it ends up just being a race to who can pre-in first, and at that point it’s basically unofficial signups

and is something I almost never keep track of as host

(id pre in but i wanna make it fair to others but then odds are alice is gonna drop signups at 5am EU time and then im gonna get fucked)

Yep, you may.

Pre-in OwO

pre-in me for the meme :^)

odds are i might be moving for work by when game starts though

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oh lit thanks i love danganronpa games

Roughly when are you expecting it to start?

Depends on the Misc queue. If TL and Jane give me the greenlight this game may run before then.

I want to go for round 2



/pre in I will look over the stuff tomorrow. Just finished ace attorney 1

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Did you like it?

Oh hell yeah. I’ve played it before other than the ds added trial. So now with the trilogy on steam I want to get through the other two I havent played


favourite character?

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gumshoe then judge then prob edgeworth


Sorry, but since you had to be replaced out in my first game and due to your inactivity in VLDR2 I’ll have to use WotM.

I’ll allow you to join the third game, however that will be the last chance I’ll give you and if you do not begin to stay active in miscs then I’ll have to indefinetly ban you.

I hate doing this, but for the sake of other people having a fun game then I can’t tolerate people who sign up and just don’t bother playing the game.

Additionally, I don’t expect you to be playing 24/7 as Geyde and App were in the first game, however if you literally have such a nonexistent presence that people just clear you instantly from the Blackened PoE then you will be replaced out.

I hate doing this, but for a game like this to work people need to be active.


Can’t I have another chance? I was literally going to play the next day if I wasn’t subbed out

I did up my activity though, I am adapting to misc games

It just so happens that I got killed, but I was going to look around until I died