Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

i want to pre-in to reserve myself a slot but im not even convinced i’ll want to play it :eyes:

just feels like this games gonna be mostly filled before signups even exist

there was

Ok that calms my nerves down a bit more on them

Please in so I can murder you

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I was aware and read my logs

not if i kill kat first

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lol yeah no katze is mine I’ll kill anyone who tries and kills katze

miscs like this are time-consuming and often reward higher activity

I think MP should be something that can and will realistically be capped by most players and force them to go back to the dorms to rest

last game I don’t think that ever happened, same with AP

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im already taken, nappy

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also will you be permitting hydras

this is a weird game to permit hydras

but I think the humor value of 2 peopel controlling 1 body is too much to pass up

…yeah, no lol.

i think trials shouldnt reset it, and I think the starting amounts need to be lowered. Me and geyde searched the whole school

What about alts

what if i hydra with the host

…please don’t open that can of worms here.

I never had a chance to be the blackened.
Probably because I didn’t like my chance of escaping the class trial.

Is there a character with a split personality?

To be fair, actually getting away as Blackened was too difficult in the first game with people just camping in cafeteria


Or would people here think “CRich is a terrible wolf, no way he’s blackened”. LUL