Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

You’ll kill someone and get away with it, no support needed :^)

what about me


I’d do whichever you need more :joy_cat:


If you join I can root for you instead!

you’ll be the one i kill
he can’t save you

As if anyone would ever want to save Kat

not even kat wants to save kat

I thought you have 9 lives.

could I pre-in @Alice if I suddenly get a project that lasts longer than 2-4 hours I just sub out

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okay so i have thoughts
but uh
i will not share those thoughts because i’m thinking of hosting one of these

I have college


Wait are you already done making this game wtf?


oh to hell with it
i haven’t done a DR in ages and I miss it


there is one thing i would like to know
what are the rough ranges of stats in terms of actual numbers?

in the first one it was typically 0-100 with the Ultimate Serial Killer having over 100 in stats when their killer mode or whatever was activated

oh right
to represent numerical chances, right
is it like, STR minus LUK chance of killing with appropriate modifiers attatched

I don’t know the strict calculations or if they were revealed but I think so?

No my game is not ready.
want to spend more time on puzzles/room designs anyway

I know this is too late but can we get ultimate terraformer