Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

My pet hamster is cohosting.

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Squeak squeak.

Decided that I didn’t wanna risk rolling scum in yet another misc

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inb4 host is secretly the Mastermind


Mole is always the Mastermind, even when he’s co-hosting.

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Execute the host trial 1

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What do

Molekuro Ikusaba, the 16th student, lying somewhere in this school, the one they call the Ultimate Rodent


Mole instantly wins when half of the game (rounded up) claims

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mole wins in 20 minutes

Danganronpa any% wr

mole wins pregame as people will DM Alice asking for their talents

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isn’t the host technically the mastermind’s mastermind as they set up the entire game, the building, its contents and its contestants?

does that mean the hosts’ parents are the mastermind’s mastermind’s mastermind?

possibly but only if they also play on i42 forums

I found out my talent in advance and I am like so damn happy.
This game is going to be awesome as all heck.




are MM/Traitor/Agent/WC randomly rolled, assigned, or undisclosed?

Randomly rolled.

Does that mean we can already be informed? :eyes:

I am interested in this too.
Like, if we can be informed but just have to avoid giving it away I would be all for it.

I mean, it is good practice for the game itself.

At the very least we are allowed to know our Ultimate Talent.