Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

I know, but it immediately reminded me of Unova lol


Agree on this.

Alright, so it’s just a cosmetic classcard change. Don’t see any reason to disagree.

Interesting. Seems like it has enough levers to tweek to balance it.

Same advice as Future Foundation Agent

I could see this being really frustrating for normal participants. Not sure if this would be enjoyable to play against.

Good simplicity change. Agree.

I don’t really think this is a good idea. This just throws off motive to find/kill the Mastermind; maybe have the traitors as backup mastermind(s)?


Thank god

Very interesting. Again, another feature that just requires balancing.

Alright, this is cool.

TLDR; never dying mastermind removes incentive to actually find the mastermind. Maybe instead make traitors backups? Wildcards seem slightly frustrating to go against as a normal participant. Everything else looks good!

hard to kill mastermind is dumb when a third of the characters can just one shot people with no RNG involved
possum mastermind is dumb because it removes their ability to be a suspicious player

The game is literally ruined if the mastermind rando dies early

I mean if original mastermind dies, the mastermind role is passed onto a traitor.


Basically, yeah.

Finding the MM should be done endgame, not Chapter III like what happened in the first game.

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I mean, you’re going to need a counterpoint to that rather than just disagreeing

I wouldn’t have minded being boxed in like I was chapter 6 as I should have won by then.

I already did

… Your ‘counterpoint’ is invalid

I see this getting ugly fast, reminder to be civil :^)

Say MM dies chapter 6 and a useless traitor becomes mm. How are people supposes to work out who they are?

Through usage of social deduction

@Alice that reminds me. What are traitors goals in chapter 6?

Socially deduct what?

Who the traitors are through their actions

have you considered that if the mastermind “dies” early here there’s no way to find them except luck

I assume we will be dropping lore evidence here and there like all chapter 6s

if the mastermind pulls a junko!ikusaba big brain be second to die and dies chapter one then there’s not really much you can do to find them when it comes to just them acting differently