Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

how does it cause everyone to search quicker if nobody knows that marshal will die twice as fast

Well, I figured that yall knew Marshal was dying so we needed to search anyway and that Marshal would feel worse quicker to hasten everyone lol

but you also could’ve doubled the time we had, allowing us to actually find a way to save him?
speed isn’t more valuable than success

I did not know when Marsh would die.
If I doubled the time then the risk would be they would die in the Cafeteria and the killer would get a freebie.

The idea was to avenge Marshal and basically say screw you to the blackened wannabe.
I do not think they were the same

marshal wouldn’t willingly enter the cafeteria at risk of death by poison

Only just saw this.

Me and Apprentice randing possible twins.

DGADT intensifies.

Also when is this game even gonna begin since you already got the greenlight?

Just a little curious since I’m excited for this game.

Pretty sure it’s 100% confirmed twins.

Yeah, the game’s been randed already so I’m making the thread. Game will formally begin tomorrow.


You gonna send out classcards today or tomorrow?

Later today.


Nice, can’t wait.

yall ever forget you were inned for a game :flushed:

gamer time


FWIW, put me in as backup #2 or #3 please.