All-Points Bulletin

I disagree

I don’t want an inquiry, I want a discussion of whether we want to go full custom or back to it being earned

Just because I’m on the side of earning them does not mean that I do not wish to hear anyone who is on the side of custom ones, or that I feel we need to get the mods to privately make a decision (because frankly I’m pretty sure my viewpoint has majority amongst the mods)

There is literally no way starting a conversation like this is in any way better for my personal viewpoint than trying some secret “remove the titles inquiry” would be, and frankly I see that as the dick move, not this.

Give money get title

Xblade made it so

Yes but I thought the title only lasts for the month you have patreon active

Apparently I was wrong
My name is no longer green, but I kept the title.


We didn’t do that, don’t ask us lol

Personally I have no problem with that as-is

Lul okay
You know that we already knew your opinions about this, right…?

Well, no problem with titles being permanent post-Patreon

Other issues with the system as a whole sure

1: Yes.
2: Pretty sure you’re no longer a mod, hence why I say the majority of mods share my viewpoint. If I’m wrong on that, oops.
3: How does that matter at all to any of this lol

Like look none of this is at all attempting to pressure anyone into anything and I really don’t like the implication that it is

then reread your starting post

It’s a meme based off of a meme


You reading way too much into a post others can clearly understand is a joke is not on me

Hey, I personally don’t care about the forums anymore
I just got told by some people who didn’t appreciate this, okay?

See, that’s what you should have started with, in a DM to me.

I don’t see why anything other than that is helpful.

I have no issues apologizing personally to anyone who actually feels attacked by this, but I don’t see any reason for you to keep that hidden and just assume that’s the entire intent of the meme, then publicly broadcast such in a way that both attacks my intentions rather than my actions and now makes bad feelings people seemingly wanted private a public occurrence.

Now we’re here, standing on opposing sides, when starting with a “yo orange some people are hurt by what you said” leads to an “oh shit sorry I didn’t mean that at all”, brings us together instead, and would let me communicate directly with whoever feels attacked to help fix an issue I caused.


On that note, if you are actually feeling attacked by this meme, I’m genuinely sorry.

That is not my intent at all - I was trying to make a good Flow meme as a conversation-starter, not a conversation-ender, and certainly not to come after you personally.

Every single one of you 10 that I have interacted with has been nothing but awesome, and I don’t wish to downplay that at all. Sorry if I made you feel otherwise.

You made me feel… nothing. I dont feel nothing anymore. /s
Idc I saw it as a meme. Plus idrc if I have this title or not. Kinda just got it to match Kai

I mean sure but that doesn’t mean I didn’t accidentally hurt someone else, which is the issue here.

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i cackled

i feel like titles are ok to be given if someone has been part of the community a long time and been active or an important part of it

that’s just me


Yeah, I didn’t take offense to it at all and I’m pretty sure the majority of us didn’t. I wouldn’t worry too much about it

I’m fairly sure it’s not possible to put a time limited one. Fairly indifferent regarding all that really.

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