Always having one to two "Evil Neutral"

So this may balance out the game a little more also helping NK, Unseen/Cult and creating a little less “luck” but at least having one Scorned, Fool or Sellsword but only having a maximum of Two.

Extra. (stuff)
This would also mean inquisitor games would always have to have two Neutrals.

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As it stands, most Neutrals can win with unseen/cult and all of them win with the NK so I think the system is quite balanced already.

Being able to have a custom rolelist offering this kind of setup is a niche idea.

I’m certain the devs are happy with the current winrates besides 1 or 2 NKs

I have to disagree classes like Alchemist may be able to side with evils but they are very harmful to evils by healing and saving people, Mercenary more so, But with classes like Sellsword They actively help evils there is a big difference, it ends up being swingy and unfair based on what rolls, I rather have more consistent win rates then win rates being based on what Neutrals do.

What do you think would be more evil sided Two Neutral mercenarys with a Alchemist

or A sellsword, scorned and fool? almost giving evils such a upper hand it’s unreal, unlike having two mercs and a alch which will prevent deaths and most likely let Bd win.

That’s why if there’s two mercs and a alch there’s a ek

Who OE these merc claims

What if it was GK?

As EK you can get away with exing those neutrals

I mean.

If there was 2 mercs and a alch then there’s A HIGH Chance of evil king.

Same with a fool and scorned. High chance of GK

No I’ve seen Blue dragon execute kings who kill useful Neuts.


Since I’m good king I thought he was a sellsword.

Alch is a mastermind claim

True but executing someone for claiming Neutral still isn’t a good excuse normally King only executes when told unless they are playing risky.

Merc is a evil claim.

Alch is a mastermind claim.

:man_shrugging: it works no one judges twice compared to executing a prince

Might aswell say that we should have 6 unseen and 8 cult because people fake claim Blue dragon.

I mean no one cares about a neutral that much.

Bonus points OE a mm before D4

Nope. Inquisitor explisitly requires the sorcerer to lose.


The exception proves the rule

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Evil winrate is good,not needed imo

Possessor winrate is too low. But obviously changing this won’t help.

I wouldn’t mind a classification of Neutrals and a more nuanced distribution of guaranteed Neutral roles.

Something like:

1 Neutral Killer.
1 Benign Neutral (Alchemist, Mercenary, Inquisitor).
1 Disruptive Neutral (Fool, Scorned, Sellsword).
1 Random Neutral.

This prevents games from being too swingy if there’s too many benign/disruptive neutrals and helps guarantee a healthy number of neutrals every game.

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