Amelia tries to host a GI Turbo [3/8] - Day 3 - Town win!

I was here before all of you nerds

oh fuck oh shit

thats only if we get 9

I’m tempted to not use WotM but eh

/In You better forceroll me Noot.

I better not get killed this time.

I will
Because reee I want this to be fun

solo group scum


trust me

you have to

some classes are really hard to process or very busted

so I cherrypicked a few vanilla-esque classes that are still fun

And a lost wolf or neutral

I would say just stop at 8 people but if there was an evil king that would essentially be game

if a groupscum is solo

how is it group scum

i expect to be put into every classcard so i can spectate like a true gamer

Don’t question it



Kyo you’re a nerd

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gib neut

gimme kang

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Forceroll me Queen

No, gib me noot! :rage:

inb4 everyone, including the king ends up being a catgirl mason

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