Amelia tries to host a GI Turbo [3/8] - Day 3 - Town win!


Days will be 10 minutes long.
Nights will be 5 minutes long.


To accuse someone say /vote [player]
This game will have Majority and Plurality


Anyone may leave logs if they wish

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


(For 7 players)
1 King
4 Town
2 Non-town (at least 1 groupscum)

(For 8 players)
1 King
5 Town
2 Groupscum

(For 9 Players)
1 King
6 Town
2 Non-town (at least 1 groupscum with conversion)


  1. Marshal
  2. Italy
  3. OB_L1ght
  4. Jane
  5. KyoDaz
  6. Apprentice
  7. Chloe
  8. Zone


where is everyone

playing skribbl

Just multitable :sunglasses:

1 Like

no fair

image good timing

I gotta shower i might join this after - if its gunna be a thing

But i need a class that wins automatically

I’ll see if enough people join



if chloe plays ill play, if not i won’t

good luck amelia

Chloe says she might join after the shower so maybe


We jackboxin

/gamers rise up


/howdy diddily pardner


:slight_smile: im a gamer