I joined in April 2018, for me it works, so must be probs earlier than that
I am obliged to post at least as much as @anon97870008 did, also I had to look at the quote of your post to figure out how to format everything neatly in a table, took me ages to set this up but this is super cool!
I really thought I would have at least 55% win rate but I am happy it’s over 50%
Total gold earned: 559419
Total played games: 6322
Wins: 3273 | Losses: 3049 | Winrate of 51.7%
Converted: 458 | Converted in 7.2% of all games
Class | Wins | Losses | Winrate |
Prince | 229 | 160 | 59% |
Princess | 110 | 70 | 61% |
Paladin | 136 | 72 | 65% |
Court Wizard | 146 | 122 | 54% |
Knight | 129 | 116 | 53% |
Observer | 86 | 71 | 55% |
Butler | 151 | 128 | 54% |
Assassin | 112 | 168 | 40% |
Mastermind | 127 | 153 | 45% |
King | 214 | 182 | 54% |
Possessor | 17 | 118 | 13% |
Cult Leader | 49 | 62 | 44% |
Noble | 155 | 106 | 59% |
Physician | 242 | 174 | 58% |
Sheriff | 191 | 136 | 58% |
Mystic | 85 | 64 | 57% |
Fool | 63 | 47 | 57% |
Alchemist | 158 | 117 | 57% |
Reaper | 24 | 124 | 16% |
Mercenary | 84 | 64 | 57% |
Sellsword | 33 | 41 | 45% |
Invoker | 14 | 22 | 39% |
Seeker | 11 | 21 | 34% |
Apostle | 12 | 14 | 46% |
Ritualist | 16 | 25 | 39% |
Scorned | 38 | 44 | 46% |
Hunter | 139 | 108 | 56% |
Drunk | 123 | 94 | 57% |
Inquisitor | 57 | 30 | 66% |
Sorcerer | 25 | 103 | 20% |
Pretender | 18 | 48 | 27% |
Chronomancer | 110 | 96 | 53% |
Maid | 51 | 54 | 49% |
Some facts: my strongest NK is Sorc. (I did copy and paste that lmao). I think this is because of old sorc where you could win with Unseen and Cult though?
My strongest class overall is Inquisitor followed closely by Paladin (I attribute that to smiting n3 & n4 every game no matter what)
Priestess gets converted almost twice as frequently as I do, incredible, I wonder if that’s because of the smite thing? Do you smite twice back-to-back also?
I’d say my biggest surprise is that my Prince win rate is basically the same as yours, I thought I was a better than average Prince but I guess it’s just the class not the player Unless we are both just good at Prince
My recorded Prince winrate is 100%
Also how the hell do you play over 6000 games and still do anything else with your life
are you trying to make a distinction between ToL and my life
62.5, I’m not quite on Orange’s level
also I’m too lazy to do detailed breakdowns but I’m pretty sure my highest-WR class is Mystic:
To be fair I could swing down to be worse than all three of you if I roll Prince again and fail a carry
Im trying to win, but Im playing for fun. A meta might be the ideal play, but if I dont like the meta Ill not do it. I doubt Ill have an exceptional winrate on any time. Thats also why the idea of “ranked mode” is not really interesting for me, but sharing winrates is fun.
your ToL winrate is 54.9%?
How do you play Sellsword, are you the quiet type or the cause chaos type?
Neither nor. My way to play evil is best called self-sacrifice. I’m investing a very important but not too confirmed BD as evil, bonus points if its a hunter, get him exed on that day, and get myself exed after. Preferably mid-game. Im not afraid of getting exed as SS, I long for it, cuz it wastes BD time
How often do you win as Fool?
I think I have a 100% win rate on Fool, but I got it less than 5 times