An Announcement from orangeandblack5

Orange has now accomplished something far more interesting than pretty much everything I’ve done in my life


Implying that wasn’t already true :stuck_out_tongue:

But nah I got a few years on you, you have time yet

you probably have like one year on me or something
i haven’t really accomplished anything meaningful thus far besides getting a couple associate degrees

still salty i got rejected from umich because my diffeq class lacked one minute topic
I wanted to march for harbaugh’s team badly.
my football team sucks ASS

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First of all, I get the feeling I just have better access to these kinds of teams than you do.

Secondly, life isn’t about comparing what you have done to what I’ve done. If you’ve found meaning in your own experiences, they were worth having. It’s that simple.


See my DiffEq credit also didn’t transfer, and I took it at U of M Dearborn

ah nice

yeah the school im at now is cheaper than mich and also ranked slightly higher in my major.
So not all bad

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I believe mich is the most expensive out of state public school in the u.s.

so you took like an entire year off from classes for this solar challenge?
are you a grad student

My eagle project was badass

I got places to go

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Like seriously what a pathetic program.
we should be kicked out of the acc; we’re that bad

I took off the fall semester, and no, undergrad. Just finished my first year last fall and will be starting my third semester in January.

so you’re a starting second year?

Mine amounted to tearing down a half acre of completely overgrown brush and trees

Yep, but only going to have half a year thanks to this

dang. didn’t realize i had so much more degree progress at this point than you

I’m not entirely sure that’s necessarily accurate

I have 69 credits and so am technically a Junior

Unsure where you stand but were I to be taking classes rn I’d be looking at 85 probably

69 towards your degree? then we’re basically even if your degree isn’t more than twice that

It’s 128 iirc