An Announcement from orangeandblack5

Didn’t know it was that kind of meetup :eyes:


I was in Chicago in the spring :eyes:

oh forgot @Arete

yeah lol

If you’re ever randomly in Chicago again…

i’ll probably be coming back to see my parents sometime over winter break
i have a birthright israel trip after my semester ends in december
but i think i’ll have maybe a week where i’ll be back

i would come back for thanksgiving but my uncle will be out of town so i’d have no one to stay with

So now the question is whether or not I’ll be on break when you’re in Chicago

if you really want to sleep on a dorm floor over Thanksgiving…

I think there’s one other forum texan and he still lives like 200 miles from me and isn’t active anymore.

It’s so sad.

I bring enough texas for the whole forum but i’m still alone with my tumbleweeds :frowning:

question i have to ponder is if it’s worth it for me to fly out just to have thanksgiving with my family

Solution: move to Chicago

are there multiple Atlantas

all I know is the one in Georgia

@Arete i get back from my israel trip december 26th, and the first day of my spring semester is january 6th
so there’s about the period i could be in chicago

nobody should come to baton rouge unless bama is in town

I would doubt that
yes i attend uni in the one in georgia

Everyone should come to austin,

It’s a nice city for the most part,

I’m in Georgia

Pretty close to there

ah nice
we should meet up sometime
i can go basically anywhere public transit could take me