An Announcement from orangeandblack5

Sorry but Australia team will win :sunglasses:

Good luck Orange (and your teammates)!

The most likely Australian candidate is probably Western Sydney University

And as cool as their car is (it’s only 116 kilograms, which is INSANELY light), they have yet to pass pre-race inspections, have to cut out some of their array or face a penalty, have had to cut out a chunk of their trailing edge, and amongst all of this we as a team are concerned their car might be too light, to the point of being unsafe.

We quite like Western Sydney, so we really hope they qualify with no penalties, an undamaged array, and don’t crash or get blown over.

But that’s looking to be an uphill battle for them.

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Who cares! Kick their asses! I believe in you!


Race is on!


is there a stream of it


I know there are trackers in every car and that several of the European teams with a lot of money (Vattenfall, Agoria, Twente) have a lot of media presence, so I’m sure you can find stuff online. There’s also a decent amount of media presence, so I’m sure you’ll find things if you actually want to look.

Here’s some Umich CoE links:

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Long gone racing duh


Don’t do it

This post is not appropriate

oh no D:


They are 5th after first day of race if you want to know.

No problem.


I personally consider us 6th at the moment - the team that’s right behind us (Sonnenwagen Aachen) will get to start driving roughly 1 minute before us.

We do expect to pass them shortly thereafter though.

The next grouping of three (all camping in Dunmarra tonight) have essentially been fighting for pole position all day, and we expect we’ll meet up with them eventually even if we don’t know exactly when.

As for the current frontrunner, Twente, either their car is insanely good and we’ve all already lost, or they’ve gone for a day one glory shot in a way that will see them crash and burn later. Without knowing all the details of their car, it’s really hard to tell which is right.


good luck

dude just pilot the solar car into one of the item boxes and get a blue shell
it’s really not that hard


yeah but what if they have a mushroom!? People know how to blue shell dodge nowadays

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Dude, just pray that you get a bullet bill in the end and race to your glory.

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