An Empty World [Automatic Regeneration...]

Can I sell some of you the Koolaid Dust?

how much

is this the kool-aid from AAA SOUPTING: THE ABSOLUTE NONSENCES!!!

I’ll give you 2 for the price of 3. Good deal eh?

how much is 3

6000 Silver Pieces.

can i make the kool-aid from AAA SOUPTING: THE ABSOLUTE NONSENSE!!! with this powder

Koolaid heal you 1 HP per bottle.

so you take the dust and make some extra spicy kool aid

it is solid gas

drink it?

nononon i’m not done asking questions to intensify >:(

May I also sell you the Sword of Madness?


the kool aid disappears

eh well reality machine broke who cares

The Koolaid noooo

ok its back

time-sama says to herself “when will they notice me uWu, theyw swo cwute oWo”

well uh
this is a scam
here’s what the kool-aid actually does
it’s mind control >:(

i’ll gladly take this tho

this is on page 60 out of 436

you are both now in a rapidly decaying pocket dimension, with a packet of kool-aid powder, a glass of water and another glass of kool-aid

you feel you are both being watched

i move out of the pocket dimension
simple solution


you are in the V O I D

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