Angleshooting in Forum Games

idk i dont play it

You can use it. Not against the rules.

So it wouldn’t be angleshooting to exploit the Fourms either, as long as I publically declare that If I do it, then I must allow others to do the same.

No thats not how rules work You will be banned

What do you mean?
And no, noone will be banned for angleshooting in the forums. Maybe blacklisted. But not banned.

I will have a permanent personal blacklist for anyone that would use this intentionally.

Thats more what i mean, blacklisting is our ban system here for fms and fols. If ur actively breaking rules for shits and giggles like jake is saying he will do that blacklist worthy imo

You know… OGI would punish that forum exploit :open_mouth:

Please set me on your personal blacklist then :heart:

does anyone else get worried whenever they check someone’s profile during the game that you’ll accidentally angleshoot them without meaning to

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So does Agnleshooting causse they are the same thing with different names

It’s even worse when you are doing mod work

No they aren’t

Angleshooting has multiple loopholes and exploits avaliable in them.
OGI has much better wording and definition and does not allow hosts to go on a witchhunt for people they don’t like that join their game.


Then you admit to breaking game integrity and ask to be replaced. It sucks, but players have had to do that.

I said what I said, from the point of view of “If I allow it as a host, then I must allow it as being a player as well”

I do not agree with this on all topics.

I have never seen this happen on the forums but you can also just like not let them in ur games

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i’ll also mention i have a personal blacklist, it’s mainly people who are a headache to host for

That is what people should do but I’d rather prevent something like that happening.

So whats your solution? Not doing mod work? Not looking on people’s profiles?

wisdom of the mod is a powerful tool.