[Anime] Cult chat - Icibalus / Wazza

i fucked up. but not completely. knowing that hippo is about to do a reaction test should be… helpful : )





Slept peacefuly.

Icibalus however:


Also slept peacefuly

alright so actions

we can convert now

any good idea of who to convert?



it’s D2


idk if i even want to play anymore

/convert Arete

just so I don’t forget again on N2

I would advise against that.

Arete very possibly is a Waifu!wolf. I feel it in my gut. And I daren’t lynch them until later, where it is expected that I will begin making hero shots.

/convert Alice/MukuroIkusaba
/wall of ice Lendun


I presume our rolepeek on Hippo peeked him as vanilla because he’s like
Mafia Goon
or something?


You got role, I’m not giving you aligment or any more details.

@lendun I’m replacing you out.

@Icibalus you can puppet theirs action till I get a erplacement there.

/puppet Lendun to convert katze
/wall of Ice on Lendun

Wazza has replaced lendun

what the…fuck…is this.

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/convert Katze then I suppose.

You slept peacefuly. Both of you.

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so we didn’t convert Katze or?