[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

neither of us are goo claims so i think you should arms deal arete

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Do you want one


i’m already in 100 servers

okay then I’ll try to make one

If I make another one will you join it

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100 servers is the limit
i get told all links are expired

Delete one

Also it doesn’t matter because people can’t see your last post anymore if you post in a PM


Discord server will be useful if we suddenly have like 3 more people here

so, i think we arms deal arete

also, should we convert arete the next night

What are your actions so far

we’re converting and BPVing luxy/mathblade

I’m scared because idk why Arete was removed from our neighborhood

Are you using any other abilties?

we’re considering arms dealing arete but no, we haven’t used any of our one shots yet

might’ve been derps’ doing

wdym? we’ve been in it all game