[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

honestly eevee’s broken me
i’m just taking anything they say as literally as i possibly can

/Form Harem

/Form Harem DatBird

“ I trust sulit because back before Derps took away my neighborhood she was acting incredibly villagery in a way I don’t think she could replicate as scum“

checkmate Arete

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cosplay cult sounds really weird but okay
i guess we’re enemies then

die cosplay

they’re literally just clones of us
that’s concerning
we killed the backup but that means if people notice i’m kinda FUCKED

i think luxy/mathblade is another poison goo

maybe they took dry’s passive

evidence adds up to cosplayers having picked the opposite of what we picked

it sure is a good thing that nobody noticed the similarities between my claim and ici’s flip :eyes:

is PMs the amount of PMs they’ve been in or the amount of messages they’ve sent in PMs?

Number of pms at which they sent at least one message.

why are you in 1000 PMs where you sent at least one message

Its nearlly as I’m mod on this forum for some reason

/pick PoisonedSquid

/pick Priestess

/pick memesky
this is probably a bad idea


I approve

eevee how many PMs do i have anyways