[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

ami is already claiming they can’t die until their “remnants of despair” die too
which is basically just cult speech for “BPV”

I still think Boss could be it

they defended ici

mist isn’t even in his scum meta

if Ami comes back vanilla idk how we’d even convince people to murder them

you could use your dayvig on them and not claim it and say you missed later but that’d look weird

we convert them
big ez

then we have two converts/kills
pop champagne
and go on to win and throw a party

But we don’t have a convert next night it’s N4

wait no its N3

i can count i swear

but wouldn’t it be a bad idea to conver them if they’re just going to die the next day probably

like I think the better move would just be to murder them

what if ami picked nonprimes though

im pretty sure they didn’t that’d be kinda dumb



so id do Ami or Mist

definitely ami

/rolecop Ami

Your target is a chat cop!


what’s a chat cop FK