[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

If they ask the same question they’ll get the same response

Hammer comes first? What?

i can probably take down cloned for the slip up
but arete would definitely be a problem

What do you mean

In the first VC there are 4 votes

In the second Wazza died and hammer had been applied

Those @orangeandblack5

cloned might be cosplayer poisoner?

No those are right?

would a convert retain their original class but change wincons, or gain a new class adapted to their new faciton

right, I fucked up number comparision.

@orangeandblack5 everywhere majority was 6 btw on 2nd votecount.

I didn’t know you were MSL too

Good point, fixed

Math second language?

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i shall not be ignored

i was ignored

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I think sulit died at her keyboard

I’ma run to Indiana to check real quick but in the meantime you best start searching for a replacement

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tippity tap tap tap tap

i know we went and ignored you when we had the chance to have you on our side…