[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

when italy doesn’t even vote for your counterwaaagoooonn

@Italy where are youuuuuuuu


if you’re going to be poisoned and die anyways just vote the counterwagon

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Italy D:

I think Arete dies here

fuck yeah

Because cheese has him higher

Arete: Sulit > Derps > Boss > Cheese > Zone > Apprentice > Italy > Arete
Sulit: Arete > Derps > Boss = Cheese = Apprentice > Italy > Zone > Sulit
Derps: Arete > Boss > Cheese = Apprentice = Zone = Italy > Derps = Sulit
Boss: Sulit > Arete = Derps = Cheese = Apprentice = Italy = Zone = Boss
Zone: Arete > Sulit = Derps = Boss > Cheese > Italy = Apprentice > Zone
Cheese: Sulit > Boss > Zone > Arete > Derps = Italy = Apprentice > Cheese

3v3 in top, second 1v1, third n/a, 1v0. last 2v1

Granted I have no idea what to do if/when Arete flips town here

I’m basically screwed



sad noises

You lost only due to Arete’s doublevote, lol.

he has a fucking double vote


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To be exact, he stole a vote from Italy, but yeah.

Italy had no vote anyway.


is he like neutral

Arete is neutral killer, lol.

wasn’t far off

Italy not ccing the visit was tragic

Italy not playing eevee and not voting against arete was tragic even if he didn’t have a vote

I tried so hard