[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy


You’re seriously going for recency over quality?

I’m actually disappointed

who’s your waifu

Wouldn’t say I have one?

I mean there are female characters that I enjoy but I can’t say I’ve ever considered one a “waifu”

not once have you ever considered a character your waifu?


That really shouldn’t be a surprise

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I go for more matching character and for less known anime mostly.

Italy has been cursed for seeking Forbidden knowledge


considering this is the “waifu” cult i’m disappointed i didn’t get image the character that shoots trains but eevee said they have a reason

Isn’t that a video game character

they made an anime

it’s fanmade, but anime is anime


Let me go grab this quote for you

eevee fucking yeeted the thread

I have access :man_shrugging:

Also not where I’m quoting from but just wanted to flex

they did make a touhou anime, even if it is fanmade

One of my classmates has decided to write their final research paper on the subject “私の力で、アニメを定義しますよう!” and has submitted the following as their “thesis statement”:


My disgust at my classmate’s life choices aside, I think it’s fair to say that not everyone agrees with you

i don’t think fanmade means it can’t be from japan–

But was it