[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

and softs tbh

@Italy event !

I will wait like 10 minutes to see if someone else joins.

Better than just hosting one by one.

@eevee-sama i’ll participate

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Arete claims mafia (with roles that don’t make sense for mafia?)

Katze seems like they’re not mafia?

Astand claims mafia

Zone claims mafia

Mist claims mafia

Dat claims mafia

Jgoes claims mafia

I claim mafia

Squid claims mafia

?Maybe Bluestorm mafia? Never outright claims.

Apprentice claims mafia.

Okay guys, I need you to go to:


Room: Nerds Unite
Password: 3edcvfr4

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I’m on the website and I made an account but I don’t see anywhere to do that aa

wait figured it out lol

i think i just lost connection

i’m bad at this

DryBones claims he has a really powerful town role

I’m pretty sure that’s a rescind and he’s now claiming mafia

Hippo claims mafia

Ami claims they have a weird ability

I think it’d hurt mafia more than us tho based on its name

TL claims town

we should kill TL i think

lemme finish reading up

I kinda want to kill Alice because of the Universal backup thing but I feel like they’d be protected

alice will almost definitely be protected

/kill TrustworthyLiberal
we definitely want to be spending our kills on town claims above all else
