[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

I didn’t lie even once this game.


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and i’ve seen one who said “evil wins” when we killed the final evil just to edit it to “good wins” just to fuck with us

You see, my games are designed to fuck with peoples minds and start doubtcasting themselves.

They are deisnged for people who mechanics solve and those who scumhunt to have equal chance.

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Everyone is equal when put to the sword.

Also, not bad of a kill choice.

You hit town NGISV

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i don’t know what that means but fucking nailed it

No guilt infinite shot vigilante.

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Eevee you scared me so much with the however

I didn’t spend hours reading just to fucking die

I can’t decide if I like this pfp or not

honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if someone got the feedback
You have

Keep opening
Almost there
Just a little bit further

Slept peacefully

oh no i gave them ideas

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Turn it counterclockwise by 17 degrees and it will be perfect.

It was different I changed it back to void

maybe TL would’ve survived if they didn’t keep casting explosion
then they’d have the energy to defend theirself :eyes:

i feel like we should’ve asked this sooner but
what’s our size limit

Infinity. Please do not recruit more then infinity people or else we would have to kill off one of your cult members to compensate for it.


watch me break the laws of reality
and then be the person who is killed to compensate

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We already were calulating size of 4-dimmensional space, so… it’s not that far off.