[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

It rolled.

hold on eevee


Something better than vanilla

Cause it’s banana flavored.

no not again

Pineapple then?

oh my god

Sure, pineapple flavored Mortician.

why do you torture me like this, vanilla is a great flavor and you should at least give us chocolate if you aren’t giving us vanilla

Im out. Fk oversees stuff.

Thats role it randed btw.

okay well sulit
time to find out if “alice is telling the truth”
am i right?

More Specifically

Any Time-Target a Dead player. You will learn their full rolecard-1 use

sulit, claim you got a one shot mortician i guess

Okay wait I just had a thought

Alice claimed universal backup right

And there’s a flipped guiltless night vig right

and a bus driver

@eevee-sama if there was a universal backup in this setup would they be able to use an action the same night they got a new role

Ping me in this chat if you want to use this because I’m probably going to ignore you talking about using it unless I see the @ symbol in my notification. If you use it, you can use any other ability you have that same day/night as the feedback is instant.


i think you should out that you got a one shot mortician and maybe confirm if alice’s results are true or false :eyes: