[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

Uhhhhhhh no more of that

@sulit not in the thread

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got it

hey sulit, you mind attacking the slime for me?

The vest would protect you from counterattack, providing it is still not used by ITAs btw.

/farm EXP slime

Monster is still alive!

@sulit attack the slime

But what if I die

but what if we don’t get the prize for the strongest enemy

But what if I die :upside_down_face:

if alice really did get an alignment cop from the weakest enemy
we NEED that slime prize

sulit alive>whatever you get from the slime

we should have picked firekitten
then we could force him to decide “members of the waifu cult deal infinite damage when exp grinding” or something

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do it
peer pressure


i am the peer and you are being pressured

what if day just ends and no one gets it and sulit is alive

then we never know what the prize was

I can survive with that