[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

@sulit i think we should get 3 abilities
i trust in the dice

lez dew it

/choose 3 abils

watch us get fruit vendor, second mortician and vanilla


this time I was screaming “sulit don’t do it”

i trust in the loaded dice



is the AD only for the given night or is it all historic protections


are we allowed to stop here and just go with 2 instead :eyes:

these don’t feel like very useful roles for us

arms dealer is pretty useful it’s an extra kill

ambulance is eh

arms dealer can turn sulit into a vig to give us an extra kill
but ambulance driver is no

Can I use the 1-shot along with my original night ability

we get one more :eyes:

yes you may

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i’m really concerned that it’ll be something shitty though

but it might not be!