[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

Less so than you would hope for.

contemplating taking advantage of this and claiming it to Arete

@eevee-sama does town know that mafia isn’t a threat to them?

we kind of want to fucking murder town
and other mafia
and aliens
and unseen
and other cults
and eeveeloutions
and blue dragons
and red dragons
and black dragons
and green dragons
and the green kraken
and enemy stand users
and the friendly stand users
and neutral stand users
and corr-

Not at the start of the game.

sulit they will kill you

I’m going to do an 800 IQ soft dw

eevee do we get fake claims

No, you know wincons and vanillas exist which you know from CL passive.

Rest is up to you.


You could do a PR as well as do vanilla claim.

All work.

Do we know that the other flavors on our list don’t exist

and do we know that vanilla roles exist

there’s 2 of us and we know of the existence of both vanillas and wincons
we are the uninformed minority

duh we’re literally a cult

I think there’s multiple minorities tho

2 cult vs like

28 other people

idk how many people there are

there’s exactly 26 factions on our wincon

theres a lot

we should convert arete for the memes

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there could be 26 real factions


here’s the plan

this is a great plan



We don’t claim our neighborhood D1


we convert Arete

and then we claim it’s a masonry

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You probably do not get this joke because you were not in the game I am referring to but trust me it’s hilarious

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