[Anime] Cult chat - Sulit / Italy

As long as it’s before one of us is lynched by king

i think it just triggers if one of us are targeted by king

hosts should probably tell us if it isn’t :eyes:

can one of the hosts clarify on this

isn’t day uh
meant to start now

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MOM! Phineas and Ferb are making meth in the backyard!

i thought day was meant to start at 7:03


ping firekitten? :eyes:

You slept peacefuly.

Except Sulit

Who slept peacefuLLy (2 L’s to be language correct)

And except Italy

Who have been poisoned.

if boss visited cheese then why isn’t arete here

you’ll prolly get healed today italy if there’s a heal given out

i think dat fucking magnetized me


Wouldn’t he have flipped cult

conversion always comes after kills


someone killed u ?

okay hold on