Announcement: Updated Policy on Replacements

i assure you that people spectating just because it’s the simpler option is not a thing

people do it because they want to be able to follow the game but know that they will never have the desire or drive necessary to play competently, even if they entered midway through.

As Sullit mentioned, before the game was full within hours of sign ups and we have an overspill of back ups. That’s not the case anymore.

I don’t see why you are being so defensive. I’m not shaming people who spectate - I just want people to think a bit harder about whether they need that Spec chat thread to “Play along at home” or could they do the same in the subs bench?

The playerbase has shrunk - every person who could play and becomes contaminated puts even bigger strain on.

  1. most instances recently, uninformed spec chat has never really lasted. those in it have usually caved, myself included.
  1. the playerbase hasn’t “shrunk”. People need breaks. FM is really mentally taxing, no matter what your IRL is like, and this site now runs 2-3 games at once, constantly.

Do i think it’s likely a game will get canned due to lack of signups or lack of replacements anytime soon? Yes

do i think that’s necessarily bad? no

Yeah, kinda what Mole said.

Spectating be completely fine but just consider for a second before joining if you wanna or could backup instead


again, im extremely confident that those who spec have already thought very clearly about this, every time

That’s what I meant by hosts emphasizing it.
It’s just a reminder but maybe it would get a few people to reconsider and sign up as a backup instead.


Have you mindmelded with everyone ever?

There’s a world of difference between “I don’t wanna play this game, but it looks interesting”


“I don’t know if I wanna play this game, but it looks interesting.”

The latter should not be signing up as a spectator.


maybe my assumptions are wrong
But if you doubt your WiM, you shouldn’t have to not spectate
Sure, not as bad as confidently knowing your wim is shit, but yeah.

Yes, those who spectate just out of sheer laziness when they otherwise definitely have the time and WiM should be backuping instead.

It just baffles me why anyone would spectate in those cases in the first place, which is why i haven’t really considered it having happened as a possibility.

you are right that i have not ever mindmelded in this way and a lot of this has been personal mental assumption-based and i really have no way to know for certain


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No problem.

I think people absent mindedly can sign up as a spec when they can simply follow the game privately.

Like right now, there’s a game needing 2 replacements, and it has 9 spectators. Not shaming anyone who couldn’t/didn’t want to play, but is that true of all of them?

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honestly, mathematically-speaking, probably not?

It’s absolutely best for those with the worst WiM on the site like Priestess and I to not be a part of any games at all; not even spectate. Yes, even informed spectating costs some WiM.

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If 20% are signing up as specs 'Incorrectly" when they could back up, that game would not have replacement issues. Looks like I might have to offer my services lol.

this reminds me that i need to add myself back to the dnp lists for fm/fol and turbos

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This doesn’t help. You have seen already the reads of the other spectators. The first spectator who joins is spoiled as well.


And you know those reads are pure too. Even if they are wrong.

I think everyone who joins to spectate, knows exactly that he cannot join the game later.
So I think “having too many spectators” is not the problem, moreso it’s having too few people who are interested in playing that game.

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Somewhat agree. My point is I don’t think everyone who signs up to be a spec, needs to - or could help out just watching and being available as a back up instead. I feel like there’s an element of wanting to join the coolkids in spec chat too.

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