[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

I literally said I didn’t want to follow this and just went with it because he threw shade at everyone anyway.

This makes me get some empathy on you, to be honest. It was a split-second decision and if the final wagon was TvT, why would scum care?
I’m putting you aside for now.

Who did you want to lynch then? Why did you want to keep it from not being rand, if you didn’t have a preference?

… and?

I mean, you never really did deliver. Why didn’t you want to post another Day 1? You admit your reads aren’t great but then you never really make new ones or expand on your previous ones.

I literally don’t see this anywhere. I just opened your ISO again, I don’t see anywhere where you expressed a townread or even explained this feeling.

And you didn’t even address all my points.


Voted Voter Count
Applause Paparazzi 1/4
Replay Telephone, Venus 2/4
Not Voting Applause, Enigma, Replay, Shallow 4/7

Current readslist

Papparazzi - townlean
Shallow - null

For some NKA, check how people acted towards LoveGame on the second part of day 1. People attacking them are more likely to be town — scum wanted to eliminate LoveGame at night, not with votes. People agreeing with them and disappearing silently are more likely to be scum.
Was someone pushing Babylon hard or was he just a PoE kill for almost everyone?

I didn’t deliver because I didn’t have to. I didn’t have to post another one D1, if you wanted me to post another one D1, you would’ve asked for one…But you didn’t.

/vote Venus

I’m actually going to place my vote here for their lies in their push with me. It’s valid to want to push on me, but when your reasoning is just lies it’s not a push but instead an attempt at a mislynch from my eyes.

I think scum killed them because they were townread I think. I’m not sure how much tbeir reads mattered

I shouldn’t have to ask you to… You were planning on doing one, to provide explanations for your earlier ones, yes. I shouldn’t have to ask you to do it if you were already… going to do it.

I should have to ask you to make reads if you’re town, period.

“Doesn’t make me bring trust towards you.”

Second post is really confusing and hard to read.

Third post doesn’t mention either of them

You never have an actual explanation for flipping your read on your top scumreads.

Yes. They wanted to kill them at night
Anyone who didn’t spend time analyzing LG is suspicious.

You haven’t invalidated any of the points I made against you, some of them you just ignored, or tried to explain your thought process. :man_shrugging:

Also, scum in this setup aren’t going to kill someone who is townread over hunting for power roles.

I think they just thought Love’s slip was fake, and even if it wasn’t they’d have killed someone townread anyways.

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Still want answers to these @Paparazzi.

imo whoever jumped at Love early but then retracted is also sus

Applause would have been my choice at day end.

@Enigma got over here and give opinions

That doesn’t answer any of them.

I shouldn’t have to give reads if everyone scumreads me for my opinions in the game when I’m not asked for them. Simple.

I know. My reads aren’t ever good, that’s why I prefer not giving them.

This was the start.

How…? That post is literally me stating: “You guys were my top scumreads but you managed to convince me why you are Town”

…Yes it does? Can you read the context of the post instead of just reading the post blatantly. I’m not giving you all the work, if you ISO’d me, you’d see that. You’re a lying fraud.

Yes I did! Literally look at the context!

Show me the points that I ignored then, and I don’t have to explain my thought process when there’s nothing to explain it for? What are you even on about?

Venus is scum. They’re pulling points out of thin air without bothering to read at all. They claimed to have read my ISO but then they make points that directly contradict my entire ISO. Simple.

You asked who I would have voted?