[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!


Voted Voter Count
Applause Paparazzi 1/4
Replay Venus 1/4
Shallow Telephone 1/4
Venus Replay 1/4
Enigma Applause 1/4


a. What are you current reads with explanations, please.
b. In your first reads list, why did you place Telephone and Babylon as you did?
c. What specifically made you change your read on Paprazzi and LoveGame

Well youā€™re failing miserably, so like


I think Iā€™m just arguing with stubborn town tbh.

Could it really just be Paparazzi/Shallow you think?

It feels so easy but like sometimes it just is

Part of me just says fuck it and rand between replay and like shallow or paparazzi

Apologies, I was meant to include them in the post you replied to with this (as stated in my second point) but forgot to as I had to rush to do things irl.


Replay - Itā€™s Me.
Paparazzi - My final interaction with them at the end of D1 made me believe they were Town since based on my interactions with them, they didnā€™t seem to be pushing a wolf agenda or planting seeds for a wolf motive into the thread. I could be a pocketed Town right now, but they managed to convince me in below 3 posts.
Enigma - He was above Paparazzi but below LoveGame by the end of the day, and despite me not being influenced by Paparazzi during today to Townread him more, this is based on the fact thatā€¦he hasnā€™t done anything as people pointed out. D1 he was giving us Town motives, Town initiative and attempting to be a Townleader.
Applause - This is more or less the fact that I canā€™t tell them doing anything, not to mention no one is placing attention on them. They seem to be cruising this game but not in a style of players indicative of this forum but more trying to stay out of the spotlight. This would be lower, but I feel there are more players that are scummy. Not to mention when commenting on my readslist they mentioned why I put myself and Enigma so high, which tells me I donā€™t think theyā€™re paying much attention.
Venus - Their push on me tells me that they were a wolf trying to cause a mislynch that had to back down after a while. Their points and their lack of wanting to read context of posts that they said could damn me shows that they donā€™t want to read the whole situation/just decided to ignore it. Not my top scumread, but my current vote.
Telephone - Their buddy-buddy attitude with Venus that seems to be one-sided tells me that Telephone is a wolf trying to pocket Venus. In actuality I would put all bets on that if this flips scum, Venus is Town. They seem like theyā€™re trying to convince Venus and also doesnā€™t want to push on points themselves. They claimed that everyone has made claims on why Iā€™m scum while only Venus has done that, which didnā€™t strike me the right way especially considering theyā€™re voting me.
Shallow - Where are they? They havenā€™t done much and yesterday they were being pushed on by players that are now dead. They managed to save their own skin while also causing a mislynch on someone else. This is mostly my fault for forgetting to vote yesterday but you get where Iā€™m coming from.


Telephone I saw as slightly trustworthy at the time. Babylon was just placed towards the middle because they were Null, same goes for Applause and Shallow who were mostly just placed there because I hadnā€™t seen much from them nor trusted them much at the time.

My final interaction of D1 included them. You should go read that and see my reasoning. I posted about how I felt convinced that they arenā€™t scum and how wolves donā€™t seem to be pushing much onto the thread specifically while those two were in the thread with me.

@Enigma has replaced @Enigma do not discuss replacements

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Enigma has replaced in for, wellā€¦ Enigma. Do not discuss replacements.

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Whatā€™s up guys

Reading up I guess, only skimmed through day 1

I was about to say how I liked this slot but then I realized heā€™s dead, welp

I do not really like this slot but then Iā€™m only so few posts in, maybe too stressed?

Iā€™m quoting this but itā€™s more for the sake of quoting than actually pure thinking? It sparks something in me but I dunno if itā€™s town or scum, my feelings are strong I imagine

I quite like this but the weird mix of a serious read of Paparazzi and their read of me feel very in conflict you know? I struggle to see the thought process

So far I struggle to see Venusā€™ line of thought

Hereā€™s where Iā€™m at with the slot

I do think the ā€œpushā€ if you could even call it a push, on Babylon is slightly opportunistic because Babylon not being sure of their read is more of a townie thing

So while the push makes sense, I still think itā€™s quite weird

I think the anger is at least a little bit genuine seeing how Venus interacts with the slot

Something I want to note, I usually jump to conclusions too quickly, so right there while I do think Replay and Venus make sense as scum entities, I donā€™t have much of a read so far on the likelihood of them being W/W, I donā€™t want my post to just be me clinging onto an idea very early on and then being biased in my analysis

I agree that my slotā€™s previous owner was quite a bit of a trickster

Here, yet again I still think the push and the idea in general come off as semi opportunistic but this part

Sound way townier

Iā€™m really conflicted regarding your slot, I dunno if I should be SRing you because to me you come off as scum being opportunistic or if you are Town with reachy~esque conclusions? Most of what you SR people for are bad plays, not scum plays

Itā€™s still very early so :woman_shrugging:

The stand of Telephone regarding the Venus vote isā€¦ how do I put it

Itā€™s weird but I do believe it comes from town, They want attention, I donā€™t think their slot in context once again, want attention especially since I do not believe they have much of an impact in this game?

For the people wondering, my stance as of right now is, Iā€™m open to evolving my reads but I feel fairly confidant in the fact one of Venus or Replay could flip scum, Shallow and Applause are my nullreads and Paparazzi and Telephone look townie enough for me

(splitting post so people donā€™t suffer from a seizure due to the sheer lenght of my post :p)

Part 2 - Trying to get faster to the more important part

Starting from #85 or something like that

This feels more like town reasoning than Venusā€™ posts, I quite like it

Previous Enigma sure was a cool guy

Iā€™m mindmelding with Telephone on this one post

Enigma even agreed

Thatā€™s 2 people who agree! Enigma and Enigma!

I feel like Applause is town

Calling things cute in Mafia sure is weird, almost sounds like LAMIST, not that I care about that part

Well, thatā€™s true.

I still feel as if it was town but maybe Iā€™m giving him too much credit for being pushed by my, at the time top SR/SL

Thatā€™s something that could be happening

Our fellow dead TrackerTM mightve been onto something but I still havenā€™t seen if he had ever claimed or softed PR so maybe itā€™s just PR hunt and not a meaningful kill

Interesting thing is that I have a reverse mindmeld with the dead town which was nkd

Just copying read list because maybe people didnā€™t look into LoveGame much

Well thatā€™s a thing on several level

Donā€™t know what to think though?


Is this too out there?

The myth of the TWTBAW has finally come true

Just kidding, I think town anyway based on my previous reads?

I overall disagree but things indicate Iā€™m most likely wrong?

If past me agreed, I shall follow (or not)

Replay sure is out there

quick break

That could work. Hm.

Hiya Enigma, great to see your slot active again.

New Enigma is cooler than past Enigma


Tell me more about gamestate Iā€™ve been reading post 1-200 and right now I donā€™t really see how the Babylon jettison happened

Also did our Tracker claim/soft?

I kinda agree with past Enigma, Replay is one of the slots Iā€™m suspicious about

Thread got really inactive later on as we were just waiting for people to post.

It just came between Babylon and Shallow as neither had done much.