[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

Kind of the opposite, to be honest.


Tell me more about it, kind of tired and I still have 300 posts to go through

They ā€œslippedā€ as not power role if I remmeber correctly.

Would have to look back at the posts to be sure.

Would also recommend reading everything, not that long and we need new ideas in my opinion.

Oh I see, well then scum isnā€™t PR hunting? Wouldnā€™t that mean they have more thread control than we think?

They were really adamant about how they were VT Which looking back kinda screams Iā€™m PR lol

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I havenā€™t seen context so that may be an actual PR hunt kill especially seeing how LoveGame was still a good kill, true

Like they just kinda randomly claimed VT and brought it up multiple times for seemingly no reason

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Oh well, probably was PR hunt then


It could have not been PR hunting, but at the same time it could have been the mafia thinking theyā€™re lying and still a PR, and even if they werenā€™t theyā€™d get a widely townread person dead anyways.

Thatā€™s my thoughts on it, at least.



Mindmeld Uw7


Anyways I gotta go to work now Iā€™ll talk to yā€™all on break

Well the one slot that really strikes me as weird is Replay

I still have my doubts on you Venus, seeing how some of your posts do not seem to come from a normal townsperson point of view, some of the arguments you make are technically correct but they do not feel as if theyā€™d come from Town but rather from scum looking for the correct words used to carry town into MLing

But then that seems really


Oh I seem to notice Replay v Venus was a thing,

anyway ttyl later gamers going to do boring irl stuff

@Venus Comment on my response to you. Donā€™t ignore it, thanks.

This feels like someone joining onto a push.

I think I kind of want to reread some slots a bit later, but I kind of donā€™t like Paparazziā€™s EoD yesterday. The line about their ā€œtown leansā€ not being online was fishy to me and I kind of donā€™t like it. Applause is likely town though, but expect me to be back with more reads a bit later. I also want to re-evaluate some of my other reads as well

I know that I havenā€™t been active, but I find it harder to manage multiple accounts