[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

If everyone votes to skip the night, I will end it early.

Applause has died last night.

They wereā€¦

Town Friendly Neighbor

Every night you may choose to target someone to learn you are the Town Friendly Neighbor.

Defeat all threats to the Town.

The sun rises marking the beginning of the day. The day will end on 2020-07-21T12:48:00Z or shorter if someone is jettisoned.

I slept through my alarm Iā€™m sorry reeee

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It is lylo. Do not snapvote.

I want everyoneā€™s opinions on everyone in the game today. We can then go from there.


This shouldnā€™t be oh yeah I think theyā€™re town. I want actual analysis on everyone.

I will do so too, obviously.

I am still visiting family, so I probaly will not be able to do in-depth stuff until later today. Iā€™ll try to be around as much as I can, though.

Uhhā€¦So they 100% rolecopped Applause N1 Iā€™m guessing.

I want to look into people who completely avoided Applauseā€™s slot D2.

Iā€™m debating whether or not to yolovote and if the game doesnā€™t end then we have a thunderdome. Even if it includes me.

Donā€™t yolovote, thatā€™s how town loses.

We have 48 hours and weā€™re using however much time we need to solve.

Weā€™re not just snapvoting without doing anything.

It actually seems to work a lot. But alright.

My PoE right now is


Enigma is the most town out of the three and NGL is mostly deep wolf paranoia so Iā€™m more so looking at Venus/replay for today.

Iā€™m pretty confident that shallow is town

I think the complete opposite, bud.

Feel free to convince me


The only W world I saw with them was with paparazzi and well

Thatā€™s obviously not a thing

Also his think with Applause yesterday was like super towny

Didnā€™t you literally see what I just said, accosiations with Applause and not wanting him to get lynched makes me think the opposite, especially since they more than likely found out that Applause was PR N1.

I mean yeah because applause most definitely friendly neighbored him


And you know thisā€¦How?

Itā€™s pretty obvious

Um, yeah. no.