[Anonymous Competitive] - NewD3 - Mafia Wins!

I don’t want to just argue with replay for the rest of the night and im already a bit irritated from work so it’s Probabaly best if I go to bed

I’m going bed now also anyway.

Goodnight, and don’t be a dick tomorrow or I’ll be a dick back. I don’t want that to influence my decision.

I TR’d him and like

Paparazzi kinda dipped after making a weird read list having me as top town without really giving reasoning which struck me as weird

They told me last night.

Time to solve the game. :sunglasses:

Gonna quote a bunch of stuff. Brb.


Day 1

Day 2

enigma iso

Enigma/Replay unlikely w/w

Yeets my townread on Telephone. Meh

all good posts

returns to babylon

returns to replay

return to me



why was telephone top town?
guess it doesnt matter hes gone now
never mentions telephone



weird iso
weird conclusion

still weird iso
less weird conclusion I guess?


you never ISO me thought

i still dont really get why you think I’m scum from reading your iso

dont get paparazzi

why vote paparazzi??

vc at the time

doesnt make sense

doesnt make sense

Possible svs with replay

very weird

could be scum with anyone alive

Earlier interactions make me think no but that EOD was strange.

why not cfd on me?

telephone s/s enigma?



why paparazzi??

replay iso

who did telephone vote


do not understand replay’s mindset here

have already went over why this readslist is weird

more concerned about being pushed for reads than making

telephone iso

im glad i drank coffee

shallow/enigma maybe?

shallow iso

The fact that I don’t know who Shallow is makes this so much harder, I can’t actually evaluate if they’d do this shit as scum. Ree.


I’m still going to debate voting Shallow.